Horoscopes Saturday 13th July 2024

Today's Quarter Moon in Libra can coincide with a decision about whether to forge ahead with a plan or let it go for now.

If we can't make up our mind, then a chat to a close one, friend or expert could assist us in making the best choice. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 4th July 2024 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 13th July 2024Aries 21 March – 20 April

Tired of wrestling with a challenge solo? Today's Quarter Moon signals it may be time to consider your strategies. As much as you pride yourself on handling things independently, sharing with a trusted confidant could illuminate your path in unexpected ways. Opening-up can help you strategise from many different angles. The insights gained might reveal fresh options.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

With Uranus stirring things up in your sign, you're being urged to embrace fresh perspectives and spontaneous growth. This zesty influence is all about stretching beyond the familiar comforts of your well-trodden path. Yes, stepping into unknown territory might feel awkward or even daunting at first. Even so, the potential rewards of venturing out are too rich to ignore.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Been toying with an idea and attempting to tease out its potential? Today's lunation could be the nudge you need to finally commit. Before you dive in headfirst, take a moment to crunch the numbers. Can your budget handle your ambitious plans? Cost it out to avoid any surprises later. Plus, Mars is urging you to use your drive to tie up any outstanding past issues or strands.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

As the Quarter Moon casts its glow over your home zone, you might be dreaming of a domestic makeover. If your household is already on board with this, fantastic! You're good to go! If someone needs convincing, then the diplomatic Moon in Libra is your ally. Use this tactful energy to discuss your vision. Explain the benefits, outline the plan and clarify the budget.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Today's Quarter Moon illuminates deeper and perhaps unacknowledged reservations you've had about an idea you're itching to launch. This lunar light is shedding clarity on what's been simmering beneath the surface, revealing hidden doubts that have been quietly holding you back. Once these subconscious objections are out in the open, decision-making will be easier.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Faced with the choice to wade into a dispute or sidestep it? Consider resolving it for good. If you feel outmatched or sense an air of superiority from the other side, it might unsettle you. Do they have the upper hand, or are you underestimating your influence? You may wield more power than you realise. Resolve this, and you'll liberate your energy for more productive pursuits.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Today's Libra Moon challenges the Sun and can leave you somewhat unsure. You can continue to pursue your goals and ambitions but may encounter someone who isn't convinced of what you have to offer. However, this is less about you personally, and more about the person or organisation that you are working with. You likely just have different priorities.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Feel stymied by an issue that's gone on too long? Today's edgy lunar tie suggests doing something about it. Why not make that first move? You'll then be in the position to steer matters in the direction of your choice rather than simply stagnating. The Sun in a far-reaching zone, hints that once you've overcome any resistance to sorting this, new opportunities will show up.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Today's lunation can set you thinking about the lengths you'll go to achieve something. Consider the implications if you got what you want. This introspective phase extends to all your desires, so weigh their true costs against the benefits. What sacrifices would be needed? As you stand at this crossroads of ambition and reality, take a moment to truly assess the stakes of going all in.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Need to hold a discussion so you can stay on good terms with someone? Approach this in the right way and it could turn out to be a positive experience. With a Quarter Moon in a prominent zone, everything you do is out in the open and others may be watching. Make this right and your diplomatic skills will be obvious and net you plaudits. Tact is your number one asset.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The Sun in your lifestyle zone forges a strong angle with the Moon in your sector of new opportunities. So, you may want to add a habit or routine into your daily schedule, if it promises to enhance your life and leave you feeling better. Your horoscope hints that this could be something like yoga or meditation that soothes the system, but it can equally be a way of eating that balances you.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Deep feelings can fuel your creative side, providing the motivation to turn your hand to arts or crafts. It's a way to transform powerful emotions into something uniquely you. If you have something on your mind and can't express it with words, then turning to a hobby can be very therapeutic. You might get insights and realisations as you work that help you to heal.

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