Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Friday 8th April 2022

Mercury in Aries aligns with valiant Mars in Aquarius so we could be in an expressive mood and keen to discuss our ideas.

Action will follow thought spontaneously so we won't spend much time reflecting on whether our ideas are good, we'll just dive in. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 8th April 2022 please see below…

Horoscopes Friday 8th April 2022

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Despite the dampening effect of prudent Saturn, you'll have fire in your words today that could encourage others, especially if they've been feeling despondent. You'll know just what to say to cheer someone up, or to put their issues into a fresh perspective. Plus, the Cancer Moon and its angle to healer Chiron, encourages a discussion that might bring an end to a difficult situation.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If you believe in something strongly enough, you'll find a way to accomplish it, even if others are keen to point out how misguided you are. Know how important it is to you? If so, you'll be ready to give a firm response to anyone who tries to put you off. Have you held back from doing something that could bring you a lot of happiness? It's time to make it a top priority, Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Mercury's tie with asteroid Pallas, suggests a friend could inspire you to do something you've been mulling over for a while. If you've had your doubts, they may be the person to quash them and get you back on track. If it's fear that's holding you back, this is the time to take your courage in your hands and have a go. One you do, your confidence will quickly increase.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You have the ability, you just need to make a commitment to doing something that might make a positive difference. Have a big goal? Don't waver! Instead, see yourself accomplishing all you set out to do. A positive image of what you want to achieve will motivate you, and set you off on the right foot. The Sun also encourages a proactive stance. Start now, and you'll soon be there.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Ignore what you think you should be doing, and you'll be free to pursue what you want. If someone has a plan and you don't want to go along with it, then don't, Leo. Your spontaneous side will show up today, and you won't want to be in any situation that could be unfulfilling and boring. Heading out somewhere new with a good friend for a fun time, may be the answer.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Succeed at one thing, and you'll feel more confident that you can win at the next. A sassy line-up encourages you to be bold, and tackle something that may be just out of your comfort zone. You have so much going for you, Virgo. You also have the determination to make it happen. It's time to tap into your true power and discover your inner strength. You never know until you try.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Need someone to spur you on? You may get more than you bargained for if you ask for assistance. Be prepared for a motivational speech, that leaves you with little choice but to go ahead. And you'll be glad you did, especially if you've been dragging your heels. The upshot could be that something goes better than you imagined, and next time you'll aim even higher.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

An idea may be buzzing around in your head. And you won't be able to forget it until you do something about it. It might be to do with adopting a healthier and happier lifestyle, or making positive changes to your wellbeing. It has to be doable though, Scorpio. Your horoscope suggests that if you put too much pressure on yourself, you'll never keep it up. Small beginnings could lead to big results.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

As Mercury aligns with asteroid Pallas, a conversation could inspire you to have a go at an activity that you'll naturally take to. It might be a sport, a creative venture, or something else that appeals. If you needed a pep talk, you'll certainly get it. It may even set you off on an adventure concerning a lively interest that can become all-consuming, and a real passion, Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You may have an idea to start a home business, or to generate more cash by selling items that you no longer need. If you want to start a side-hustle, then an exciting thought that occurs to you over the coming day or so, could push you into action. If you work at this steadily, then there's a good chance you'll achieve your financial goals, and be very pleased with yourself, Capricorn.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You may hear something that gets you enthusiastic about trying an experience. Be warned though Aquarius, as a flicker of interest could become a flame that turns into a burning passion. If your intuition sends you a signal that you really should do this, then go for it, as you have nothing to lose. Socializing might be very rewarding too, as you can make a vivacious new friend.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

If you haven't treated yourself for a long time, then why not do it today, Pisces. A stirring aspect encourages you to do something nice for yourself. Whether it's a spa treatment, a special item that you've been coveting for some time, or something else you've longed for, why not give in and go for it. If you're celebrating a goal or personal achievement, then don't hold back.

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