Horoscopes Friday 26th November 2021

The Moon in Leo opposes jubilant Jupiter in Aquarius making this an optimistic day when we'll enjoy exploring new terrain.

Our mood is upbeat and we may be eager take on a project or opportunity that could challenge us. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 26th November 2021 please see below…

Horoscopes Friday 26th November 2021

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You may have some really big ideas that could leave you wondering if you're being a tad unrealistic. But nothing ventured nothing gained Aries, so it's worth exploring further and starting to make plans. If it's a truly awesome project, you might only be able to go so far solo, before you realize that inviting others on board is your best chance of making it a success.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Have a team plan? Then why do your friends appear so uninterested? It may be that they are waiting for you to make a start. If so, you'll need to be the one that sets the pace and shows them how it's done, Taurus. There's also potential for an encounter that can be quite special. This person might not be practical, but their imaginative ideas could give much food for thought.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Someone may have something to say that's worth listening to, and yet their preachy attitude can make it difficult to hear. Make use of those nuggets of information that spark your interest, and leave it at that. Conversations today look to be uplifting, and the chance of a coffee or meal with a friend, could put you in an excellent mood. Ready for new discoveries? A short trip might do it.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Keen to collaborate? If someone shares your depth of understanding for a subject or interest, this could be the thing that cements your bond. With Venus linking to Mars in your leisure zone, there is potential for a relationship to progress to the next stage. You might enjoy a sense of kinship with this person that seems special, and this can leave you grateful to have met them, Cancer.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

On the lookout for activities and opportunities that might add more excitement to the day? If you are unfulfilled by your daily schedule, seeking out new interests and friendships could go a long way to filling this gap. Plus, a determined attitude can find you ready to make lifestyle changes that will boost wellbeing and energy levels. Build up any new disciplines slowly and surely, Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

A delightful lunar tie with Jupiter, encourages you to make the best of your resources to boost your lifestyle and enhance your overall happiness. If this means investing in a gym membership or a life-coach, then it could be worth your while, Virgo. This is an opportunity to take stock of your brightest goals, and consider what needs to change for you to make them a present reality.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Domestic matters could derail your plans, unless you can sort them out sooner rather than later. Whatever the issue, don't leave it too long, as it might mean missing out on an opportunity because your mind is elsewhere. Dive in, and no matter how much resistance there is, just get it done. You'll feel such a relief, and this will leave you free to enjoy more relaxing activities.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

There are opportunities on the cards, if you don't give in to doubt, Scorpio. With Mars in your sign aligning with Neptune, you could decline an offer that you're more than capable of handling. Don't let temporary fears get in the way of progress, as your horoscope suggests you'll soon feel a lot more confident and wish you had accepted it. Why not make a start and see how it goes?

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Social options sparkle with promise, as a lively line-up can see you enjoying good company. Whether you're networking or spending time with friends, this may be a chance to connect with new people, and to pave the way for fresh developments. Ready to enhance your earnings? A Venus/Mars link suggests using a talent that might have lain dormant for some time, Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

A gift or small windfall may not transform your fortunes, but it could put a smile on your face. And with delectable Venus in your sign adding to your confidence and goodwill, you'll be ready to end the week on a high. If you're going out, someone might attract your attention, and you'll sense that you really do need to talk to them. What results from this can be amazing.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Keen to break out of your routine? A friend may offer you something really quite dazzling. And it could open your mind to possibilities that leave you excited about the future. This might be a good time for social events and happy encounters. On an inspirational note, a dream or intuitive nudge can direct you to explore the potential in a lucrative scheme or fruitful offer, Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

A dream of yours may be growing bigger and brighter, and is perhaps becoming irresistible. How much longer can you hold out Pisces? You might be drawn to possibilities that could change you and transform aspects of your life. As Mars moves to align with Neptune, a restless urge may tempt you to take that leap of faith. Be clear on why this is important if you want to succeed.

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