Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Friday 21st October 2022

The Moon in Virgo aligns with Uranus in Taurus, so it's a good idea to expect the unexpected.

Our intuition may be spot on and following through could result in a very exciting opportunity. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Friday 21st October 2022 please see below…

Horoscopes Friday 21st October 2022

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You and another could hit it off in an instant, and it might be down to a delightful aspect that creates a warm and accepting atmosphere, making it easy to sync with one another. Have romance in mind? This can be a fabulous day for a first date, and a chance to get to know each other. Plus, a lively Moon/Uranus link suggests someone may have a surprise for you, Aries.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Co-operation can be the key to getting things done, and making an awesome job of them. A key aspect suggests that relationships between co-workers and others will be harmonious, making short work of the day's to-do list. There's also potential for a budding relationship to take off. And if someone you see daily has eyes for you, you may be ready to reciprocate, Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The Moon's positive angle with Uranus, could reveal something you didn't know. It may be facts you discover about your family that help you connect the dots, and understand more about who you are. You'll realize why you have the talents you do, and might want to take one of them further. Is a romance becoming too intense? You can feel like backing off for a while, Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

If you've had words with someone, now is the time to reach out in friendship and let them know that whatever happened, it's all in the past. A harmonious Sun/Venus link in a private zone, suggests this can be the perfect time for smoothing things over and for reaching a compromise. If you really want to make amends, you may need to embrace this person for who they are, Cancer.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

What if an opportunity could change your life in a big way? Would you take it up? The coming day or so can see you weighing up your options, and thinking about the effort involved, which might be considerable. The rewards may be uplifting too. Don't decide on a whim though, as this needs some careful thought. If you go for it, you may never look back.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You may be justified in wanting to spend money over the next day or so, either for a job interview or to enable you to make a great impression and claim the spotlight. The extra expense can be a wise investment, if it helps you get your desired outcome. By enhancing your image, other bonuses and opportunities might show up, perhaps because you radiate more confidence.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The planets can encourage you to make more of the talents you were born with, and to ignore those who might criticise you for doing so. In fact, the current backdrop may tempt you to strike out in a new direction. And even if you're not sure what this is, the willingness to explore new options could open doors. Romance may also be a spicy topic, and a key focus over coming days.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

There is an effervescent quality showing up, that can inspire you to make spur-of-the-moment decisions. A lunar tie with electric Uranus, suggests you might want to collaborate with someone, especially if they are a fount of original ideas. Plus, a developing bond could surprise you, as the pace heats up. This person may be like a breath of fresh air and worth getting to know.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Home décor stores could tempt, if you're keen to spruce up your place. It's those cozy touches that can make your place so welcoming, and freshen it up as the season begins to change. Plus, the coming days may be excellent for reaching agreements, even those that might need discussion. Your horoscope reveals that a positive Sun/Venus alliance can ease the path ahead, making sure everyone is satisfied, Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The Sun's link with image-conscious Venus, can encourage you to consider a makeover or perhaps to purchase some new clothes. Go for it Capricorn, especially if you have a job interview or other occasion to attend. Even if you haven't, this could be a confidence booster. A new look may be all it takes for you to move with ease into a new job or attain a promotion.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Positive aspects continue to bring you together with people who share your interests, and with who you feel at ease with. You may be ready to explore new opportunities over coming days though, preferring to trust your intuition while dreaming big dreams. Ready for a challenge? Something that allows for fresh opportunities could take your life to a new level, Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Does someone have eyes for you, Pisces? And how do you feel about them? If you've had your eye on them for a while, then it may be a mistake to seem too eager. The more mysterious you appear, the more likely it is that this person could find you irresistible. If you sense this bond has mileage, then there's no need to rush. Bide your time, and let it come together naturally, Pisces.

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