Page of Wands Tarot Card Keywords

Energy, loyalty, new beginnings, enthusiasm, light hearted, charm, admirer.

Page of Wands Tarot Card Description

Court cards (kings, knights etc.) often represent a person. Traditional tarot readers say they describe their physical appearance. In contrast, modern readers tend to dwell of their psychological character. Thus the Page of Wands can be seen as a child or youngster with red or blonde hair. Alternatively, it can suggest someone exuberant with a lust for life.

Upright Meaning

The Page of Wands enables you to see the world through new eyes. This could refer to the influence of a young person, or child whose boundless energy and joie de vivre will be infectious. Equally, this lively lad or lass could be the bearer or cause of some good news. Keep a look out for someone who is very enthusiastic and eager; they will inspire you to make a few changes. Fortunately, they are not feckless and can be trusted to steer you on the right course. In romantic matters, you could find yourself drawn to someone who is a little younger than you. They will be charming, fun and reciprocate your interest. Don’t be afraid to join in their carefree attitude, as they can help you explore your fun side too. If you are attached, the temperature could hit boiling point, as you discover new ways to spice up your relationship. If business is the main issue in your life now, things could get complicated as an exciting offer comes your way, it’s worth consideration, but don’t let it distract you from pre-existing projects. In business and domestic matters, make sure a burst of energy doesn’t send you running around in all directions and ignore the more mundane aspects of life – you need to be more focused. In general terms, if some part of your life hasn’t been going to plan, the future looks much better and there should be plenty of opportunity for you to kick up your heels very soon.

Reversed Meaning

You could find yourself coming face to face with a difficult youngster. The person in question could be domineering, shallow and overambitious. Don’t be taken in by their over-confidence or allow yourself to be bullied. You may find you are the recipient of disappointing news, or that some good news has been delayed. For now, there isn’t a great deal you can do to improve the situation, but patience and flexibility will see you through. In business, education and domestic matters, don’t let an over-abundance of energy see you spreading yourself too thin. Make sure one project is finished before you charge on to the next. Don’t let your excitement about a new friend or lover, mean you neglect long standing relationships.



Life has been really exciting since you came across that new idea, or that person. But old and trusted friends have felt a little left out. Equally, some projects have been left dangling in the air, try to correct this.


Hey! I’m amazed you found time to read this, for you’re so buzzing with energy. When you are this exuberant long term plans and commitments are impossible. You might find a new lover who is light-hearted and fun. Perfect!


Lucky you! You’re entering a fun time, that’s full of optimism. A playful romance is likely, with someone who is full of fun. Go out and party. When you’re this confident and inspired you can’t put a foot wrong.

Page of Wands Love Tarot Card Meanings Keywords

Loyalty, new beginnings, enthusiasm, light hearted fun, charm, admirers, flirtation.

Page of Wands Love Tarot Card Description


Upright Meaning

Is it me or is it hot in here? Couples will soon find the flames of passion burn brighter than ever, you will have a job to keep your hands off each other.

What’s that in your in box, arriving with the post, or who’s that on the ‘phone? I don’t know but they probably have some good news. Singles can expect to become part of a double act soon. There is someone around who is fiery, exciting and adventurous. This person is quick to love but equally quick to get bored, so they’ll keep you on your toes. Ideal if you like life in the fast lane but tiring if you don’t. Enjoy this person for who they are but don’t think they are eager to settle down any time soon.

Reversed Meaning

If the reversed Page of Wands represents a person in your life they are likely to be untrustworthy and directionless. They are ill suited to a serious relationship and are unreliable. Third parties can also cause you grief, not least by blabbering your secrets to all and sundry.

This is also a time when some unpleasant news could impinge on your partnership.

It may also be that your partnership has lost its momentum, it can be reinvigorated but this will require work. You may discover that either you or your partner’s heart isn’t into putting in the necessary effort to reinvigorate your bond


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