Today’s Horoscope

Wednesday 5th February

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With the Quarter Moon in the steady Taurus, you might be debating whether joining a group or club is worth it. You’re eager to weigh the costs, but don’t underestimate the potential rewards. Consider if this new connection could open doors for you. Prepare to be pleasantly surprised by the camaraderie, opportunities or sheer fun that could come from taking the plunge, Aries.

Yesterday’s Horoscope

Tuesday 4th February

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You’ll be in pleasure seeking mode as lovely Venus moves into your sign from today. It could be hard to deny yourself anything, Aries. Romantic matters can move higher up your list of priorities, and you may do more socialising. While softer and more sensitive qualities are still in play, Venus’s influence can encourage greater spontaneity when sharing thoughts and feelings.

Tomorrow’s Horoscope

Thursday 6th February

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You might find yourself torn between rediscovering your social spark and retreating into your shell. While staying in might seem tempting, the cosmos gently nudges you to step out and connect. It can take effort to fight that cozy urge to keep to yourself, but once you’re out there, you’ll remember how much fun you have when you let your vibrant and fiery energy shine.

Weekly Horoscope

WC 3rd February

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With Venus at her boldest as she enters your sign, you’re ablaze, and expressing your feelings with passion. In love or creativity you’re all about making your mark. You’ll also enjoy the thrill of the chase as romance and excitement are your fuel. Jupiter also turns direct and lights up your intellectual side. Dive into studying, teach what you know, or start writing that masterpiece.

February Monthlies Horoscope

February Monthlies

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Your ruler stays in reverse until the 24th, suggesting that patience will be a virtue and especially around home, family or personal issues. But his links with both Uranus and Neptune offer some unique opportunities, especially to connect to those things which can bring newness to these very areas, but it will be your hunches that guide you. With Venus arriving on the 4th in your sign and angling in a fab way to deep Pluto, you may have a very powerful connection in the first ten days. That said, the Full Moon can also conjure up some big life choices, and maybe see you more impulsive. As the month goes on, you can take a lot of solace from finding space to reflect and review, and particularly on the 28th with the Pisces New Moon.