Today’s Horoscope

Friday 14th March

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

What do you need most? The Moon phase in your sector of expansion suggests you may be happy to embark on new challenges and lap-up fresh experiences. If today’s energies leave you feeling bereft in this regard, then it might be because you need to let go of something first. Has a job or course come to a natural end? Release it, and await new and exciting developments.

Yesterday’s Horoscope

Thursday 13th March

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

It’s a good idea not to box yourself in by narrowing your choices too soon. You love a clear plan, but flexibility is your friend right now. There may be more paths to success than the one you’re fixated on, so take a step back and explore alternatives. A surprising option could turn out to be the best one. Ask questions and welcome uncertainty, as it may just lead to something better.

Tomorrow’s Horoscope

Saturday 15th March

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

It helps to brace yourself for uncertainties. The planet of talk and thought goes into reverse, so there could be delays with property sales and moves. It might seem like someone’s hit snooze and scuppered your domestic plans. And yet every major household project can yield a few secrets, especially if you’re planning to renovate or declutter the attic or the mysterious cellar.

Weekly Horoscope

WC 10th March

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

With Venus retrograde and Mercury rewinding at the weekend, now is not the time for domestic changes, whether it’s a makeover, a big purchase or signing on the dotted line. Review your options, but hold off on final decisions. Meanwhile, the Lunar Eclipse highlights an issue that no longer serves you. Letting go might feel uncertain, but it can create space for something better.

March Monthlies Horoscope

March Monthlies

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Your ruler Saturn is the wise guy of the zodiac, and as he merges with the Lunation of the 14th this month, he’s asking you to choose your words with care over the next six months. And with Venus and Mercury, the relater and the communicator planets respectively, both in retrograde, what you text, message or email could prove very important. You may also hear from someone from your past, perhaps a person you knew locally or in your family. It may not be easy to open up, but there could be a chance of some kind of reconciliation.

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