Weekly Horoscopes 8th June 2020

The Sun in Gemini continues to clash with Mars, but this week, Neptune gets in on the act and fact can seem stranger than fiction. Or are we going to get more revelations about people who work to their own rules? Probably. In fact the potential for misinformation and distortion is enourmous, and self deception can be part of this too. It's important we all keep our guards up and work with the things and people we know are real. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 8th June 2020 please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Don't worry about showing your emotions Aries, even if you have made a sterling effort to hold them back. With Neptune in the picture they may well up spontaneously over this week, and this could be a relief. While you might prefer to come across as being strong and tough, there are days when you will feel more vulnerable. Simplify things, pace yourself and go with the flow for now. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

There may be much that is going on behind the scenes Taurus, and this includes others who might be busy plotting and scheming. Not that this would affect you directly, but it could influence any team projects or plans you are involved with. If you sense that something is amiss, then get ready to ask a few searching questions, as others may have exactly the same concerns as you.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

It could be so tempting to go against your feelings and do what others think is best, but this may backfire. Besides, others might expect you to toe the line again in the future. While you can be sympathetic to their aims and unwilling to upset anyone, it might be better to assert your independence and state your views, even if different, as this may pave the way to positive progress.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

This is not so much a time to move forward with plans, as to unravel any issues that might need healing and closure. Putting extra pressure on yourself won't help at a time when the cosmic message is to simplify your life by letting go of whatever no longer serves. By doing so, you'll pave the way for fresh opportunities when the time is ripe, and you'll have more energy too.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

With a lot of Neptune energy around, you'll need to stay on the ball to get as much done as you would like. There is a chance of confusion, and a potential lack of motivation that could cause delays and make it harder to reach an agreement or settle down to key tasks. Perhaps the best advice is not to rush into anything, and wait until you have clarity before making decisions.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

If in doubt Virgo, it is best to make your own decisions rather than rely on others to make them for you. There is ample opportunity for them to get the wrong end of the stick, which could lead to a cascade of confusion. Do your own research and run with your instincts, especially if you have something important to attend to. Is someone undermining your efforts? Refuse to let them.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The desire to explore an opportunity may be negated by feelings of futility, and this might be down to soporific and draining influences. You could push against the tide and force yourself into action, but it can feel as though you are walking through treacle at times. It is worth taking things slowly Libra. When it is time to make a move, plans will begin to fall into place.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Appearances could be deceptive, as you may feel drawn to trust someone implicitly, when perhaps you should be more cautious. This can be especially so if you develop romantic feelings for someone, but it could also relate to an associate or an out-of-the-blue encounter. Discrimination might be the key to making harmonious connections over the days ahead.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You could find yourself too sensitive for your own good, and inclined to bury your head in the sand Archer. While this is not your usual style by any means, it can give you time to reflect. With strong Neptune energies on the go, you might be drawn to inspiring books or movies that help you make sense of a complex situation, and from here to find a positive perspective.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Your imagination can peak this week, which has its pros and cons Capricorn. You may be bubbling over with creative ideas that might add sparkle to plans and projects that need a lift. But there could also be a tendency to dream that something might be better than it is. This is where you need to think from a practical viewpoint, as some of what is discussed could be unrealistic.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Your plans could clash with others' plans, and yet attempting to come to a solution might only encourage more confusion Aquarius. With a powerful focus on your spiritual zone though, your instincts are strong. If you find yourself wondering what to do next, let them be your guide. Go easy when dealing with finances too, especially if completing a deal involving a lot of money.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

If it seems that someone is putting a dent in your confidence, then refuse to let this get to you. You may be more susceptible to other people's suggestions, so it is important to keep your boundaries strong. Time to yourself might help you feel grounded and refresh you, if you feel overwhelmed. Creative opportunities abound Pisces, and in this sense you can accomplish much.