Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Weekly Horoscopes 3rd February 2020

Mars is particularly influential in this week which concludes with a Full Moon on Sunday, but equally with Venus moving into Aries, and combining with the wounded healer Chiron an important conversation may be needed around a key relationship. The need to manage our time well, or balance friendships and interests with a partner, can also come sharply into focus. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 3rd February 2020 please see below… 

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

As Mercury moves into Pisces, you'll find it easier to understand your feelings and to talk about them. And you may have that touch of genius around midweek with Uranus in the mix, so make a note of any brilliant ideas. Ready to impress? Venus enters your sign, making you an even more alluring option. With a Leo Supermoon emerging, a weekend encounter can sparkle with promise. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Your social life looks busy, and yet you could hold back early on or decide to spend time quietly with a few close friends. As sweet Venus moves into a more secluded zone, this desire for some me-time might increase. Go with it, as it can allow you a chance to recharge. There may be dramas on the home front as a potent Supermoon stirs up feelings, so avoid impulsive actions.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Mercury your guide planet moves into your career sector, which can encourage clarity around key goals. Dealing with a sensitive issue? An intuitive nudge midweek could reveal the solution in a flash. Ready to meet new people? Venus's move into your social zone can surely help, Still, a sparky lunar phase this weekend suggests choosing your words carefully to avoid tensions.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Eager to travel? If so, the coming weeks can see you checking out itineraries and planning your trip. Don't be surprised if a friend is keen to join you, as it could make a real difference. You may feel the energy of the Leo Supermoon from midweek, encouraging you to splurge. Is it possible though Cancer, that you may be craving a deeper emotional connection with someone?

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Need assistance? Someone may have just the right information, whether this links to a business matter or some other issue. They likely won't beat about the bush, so be prepared for some sage advice. With a Supermoon in your sign though, you could tend to be dramatic at times when it comes to relationships. Avoid issuing diktats and leave key decisions until things are more settled.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Close relationships can benefit from Mercury's move into Pisces, making it easier to tune into others. This level of sensitivity could give you an advantage in talks and negotiations. And an inspiring encounter midweek, might lead to further meetings and perhaps a new friendship. Cutting back your schedule this weekend can allow you to find closure on an edgy situation.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

As tactful Venus aligns with both Pluto and Saturn early on, there could be a major focus on resolving an issue that is quite involved. This doesn't mean it won't be constructive though, as much can be accomplished if you are willing to talk. On a social note, a vibrant Supermoon could spice up your social life, bringing you into contact with some delightful people Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Feelings can be intense, with Venus making potent ties that can see you engaged in deep conversations, and yet out of this something positive can emerge. With a Leo Supermoon in your most prominent solar chart sector, you may be in the spotlight, so use this opportunity to shine. Avoid anything that might get you noticed in an unhelpful way though Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Looking to purchase items for the home? There could be some in-depth discussion around this, whether it relates to an appliance, gadget or DIY materials. Plus, as luscious Venus enters your leisure sector, you may be more proactive concerning creativity and romance. Words can be powerful this weekend, so frame any objections you might have very carefully Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Powerful exchanges at the start of the week might seal a deal, but only after some straight talking. This may not be the warmest of discussions, but any agreements reached can likely be relied upon. Ready to beautify your home? As Venus enters Aries, a rush of inspirational ideas might get you moving. The weekend can be intense Capricorn, so steer clear of any dramas.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Articulate Mercury's move into your money zone and its aspect with electric Uranus, can enable you to spot the perfect item at the perfect price. If you have been looking for a gadget or anything else for the home, you may come away feeling very satisfied. Go easy over the weekend though, as a Supermoon can bring a relationship issue out into the open Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

As Mercury moves into your sign early on, its presence can inspire you to marshal your thoughts and perhaps get more organized. Have a tricky issue to resolve? Stay alert midweek, as the answer could show up out of the blue. Give yourself a reduced schedule over the weekend Pisces, as with powerful forces at work you'll realize how certain activities might no longer serve you.