Mars powers into Aquarius for a six week stay, joining with Saturn for all this week. This is a chance for people to come together collectively to help one another, and to embrace the best of the Water Bearers values. In the second half of the week a Cancer Quarter Moon and Mercury's connection to Neptune, suggestions clarity, will though be at a premium. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 30th March 2020 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Ready to initiate a long-term goal? You may be more aware of the difficulties at first, but as the week gathers pace, you'll begin to relish the challenge. As diplomatic Venus enters Gemini, you can be persuasive and highly entertaining which could work to your advantage. Enthusiastic about a goal or business idea? This week might bring an opportunity to make excellent progress.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The coming weeks and months can find you taking a serious approach to goals and career plans. As feisty Mars enters a prominent zone Taurus, you'll also be fired up with a desire to get moving. Keen to invest in yourself? As Venus sashays into your money zone, a makeover could assist in sending out the right image. Can't resist a golden opportunity? This is the time to go for it.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
As Mars aligns with Saturn early on, it may be time to commit to a course of study or other plan that can help secure your future. It might be hard work Gemini, but well worth it. Even so, as Venus enters your sign, you'll be at your witty and conversational best and could easily make a good impression. Pooling ideas and resources might lead to a lucrative breakthrough.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Restructuring your finances could be a priority from this week, allowing you to cut out waste and streamline your affairs. Need to make a decision about a goal or ambitious project? The Quarter Moon suggests this could be a turning point. Still, as Jupiter aligns with Pluto, the coming week or so can see a mutual project gaining momentum or perhaps succeeding after a lot of hard work.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You may have a steely determination to accomplish something, which could build as the week gathers pace. Liaising with others might assist you in getting the results you are after. Socially, things are looking up as convivial Venus enters Gemini, and this can lead to new friendships and opportunities. Making an important decision this weekend? Don't be too hasty.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Organization can be the key to greater productivity. And with Mars joining Saturn, you could become very aware of this and eager to make a few changes. Want to make an impression Virgo? With Venus entering Gemini, charm might get you everywhere. Creativity and romance get a boost this weekend, as a key influence could see you grasping an opportunity.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Time to take your hobbies seriously Libra. As Mars joins practical Saturn in your leisure zone, you might want to devise a strategic plan that can help you create a side business or hone your skills further. Looking for a love adventure? Moving in new circles or going on a trip could assist in intensifying passions. As you move out of your comfort zone romance becomes possible.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Will you grasp a golden opportunity? As Jupiter aligns with Pluto your ruler you may well do, and could really make something of it if you play your cards right. The week ahead could also see a relationship becoming more committed, whether it is romantic or business orientated. Eager to get your domestic affairs in order? Focused energies may persuade you to make a start.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Does a task seem too complex? A Mars Saturn combination can inspire you to take a more strategic approach by breaking it down into chunks, which could see you accomplishing it with ease. A potent lunar phase might also find you questioning your feelings for someone. Should you discuss this? Gauge the mood first. Even so, a little loving care may see key bonds flourishing.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
This week can be a turning point for you Capricorn, as Jupiter aligns with Pluto in your sign. A key project could be successfully completed, or you might accept an offer that promises much. Ready to streamline your financial affairs? The coming week can help kickstart the process. As Venus enters Gemini, teaming up with others who share your lifestyle goals could support you.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
As Mars powers into your sign and aligns with Saturn, this practical influence can assist in planning and getting your priorities in order. But as sweet Venus enters your leisure sector, her presence encourages you to take time out for yourself and for romance. On a deeper level, you may feel moved to explore your true potential by making a bold and liberating decision.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
With a dynamic focus on a private zone this is very much a time to complete things, whether you need to finish a project or find closure on an issue. Doing so can be so very freeing. A delightful focus on your home zone could be perfect for redecorating, entertaining and smoothing over any key issues. Keen to join a team project? It may be a success for all involved Pisces.
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