Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Weekly Horoscopes 2nd September 2019

There are some very constructive energies at play this week, which if we choose to tap into, can be of great benefit. But with Neptune in play, it is going to be essential that our thinking and actions are crystal clear. Seeing the big picture, as much as grappling the details and facts is essential. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 2nd September 2019 please see below… 

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You may be going through a practical phase that is making you aware of your situation and how it needs to change. If so, it's time to seek out fresh opportunities and to benefit from inspired ideas. Staying as you are is likely not an option, as you could feel a tad restless, so introducing actions that will help accomplish your goals Aries, can get these positive ideas in motion. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Ready to hone a skill or take a pastime further? If so, the current dynamic focus on your leisure zone can be perfect for this. With lovely Venus linking to Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto, you may be keen to forge relationships for romance, social reasons and perhaps for business. At the heart of this is a hands-on approach that can see you keen to get moving on your heartfelt desires.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

There is a proactive focus on your home zone, and with lively Mercury embracing Mars and linking to other key planets, you may be eager to get your place shipshape, especially if you are entertaining. But your home base can be the starting point for other plans, such as impressing a certain person, starting a small business or taking the time out to pamper and recharge.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

A cluster of planets in your sector of talk and thought, can see you busy with plans and eager to implement them. And boldly connecting with others who can be of help may get things off to a positive start. Thinking of expanding your options? With both Venus and Mars linking to Jupiter, this is a good time to do so. Even so, your Solar Horoscope suggests that you try to be flexible rather than push for a set outcome.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Have plans? You may be very aware of the cost, and willing to go to lengths to get the best deals. This is the perfect time to sort out any lingering money issues, but also to have a plan for those things that may be just out of reach. Be bold in your ideas, but try to avoid impulsive buys as they could quickly lose their sparkle. One opportunity could prove lucrative if you want it.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You are in a peak time of the year, when you have the determination and energy to get key plans up and running. You'll likely be keen to involve others, and this might mean compromising so that everyone is catered for. With Mercury making key aspects, this can be a very productive week if you plan for it. And one relationship could intensify greatly over the days ahead.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

If you feel like taking a back seat, then do so Libra, as you are presently moving through a quieter phase. If utilized in the right way, it can pave the way for a positive start when Mercury and Venus enter your sign mid-month. It's time to find closure on key issues, but also to respect your dreams for the future. Taking a reduced schedule could help more easily accomplish this.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You are in a peak time for social events, and may have more invites than you've had in some while. There are also romantic options showing, as sultry Venus angles towards Neptune and Pluto. Feelings for a certain person could intensify, but think carefully rather than rush into anything. Does a group project appeal? There may be plenty of options, but check the cost of doing so first.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Ready to get ahead? You may be all geared up to accomplish certain goals, but prioritizing could certainly help. Much as you may be eager to succeed, ties to Jupiter and Neptune suggest you might not be inclined to push yourself. A little discipline could see you making great strides though. If you do feel a need for a massage or spa treatment, it could revitalize you Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

New adventures and far horizons may call out to you, with a positive focus encouraging you to move out of your comfort zone. You may be inspired by a book or movie to explore your potential, which is a good thing. With aspects to Saturn and Pluto in your sign, you could get very serious about one or two plans and may go to great lengths to make sure they become a reality.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

This can be an intense time, with key aspects enticing you to get to the heart of issues that require a solution. Making a start on the most pressing matters can be a real relief. Ready to reorganize your business and finances? This can be a good time to do so. With key planets linking to upbeat Jupiter, you might befriend others who have similar issues, and this can be so very supportive.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You'll have plenty to keep you busy with the lively focus on your sector of relating continuing. A buoyant mix of planets could add sparkle to your social life, but also see you linking up with others who can help you with career or personal goals. Need to clear the air? This is your chance to do so. Misunderstandings are a possibility though, and clear communication can help.