Mars starts its journey in Aries in a fine angle to stern Saturn. Resolute action can reap rewards. But so can being open to new approaches, as the Sun combines well to the promoter of forward thinking Uranus. In fact, as the Retrograding Mercury connects perfectly to the Sun midweek, if we set our intent clearly a spark of ingenuity can take us far. Venus also starts a long and helpful angle to Mars the second half of this week, but Saturn retreats to Capricorn as just as the Capricorn Lunar Eclipse dawns. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 29th June 2020 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Ready for action? You may be keen to get going, but could find the pace of progress frustrating. The Jupiter/Pluto alignment this week hints at a new phase regarding a goal or career move, but you might need to be patient. New ways and methods of doing your job or running a business can be on the cards bringing something of an upheaval, but could work well over the long-term.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
An opportunity that seemed just out of reach could become yours if you are willing to take things a step at a time. This week's Lunar Eclipse might coincide with an offer or information that can set you on a dynamic path. You might need to let go of something first so you can move ahead with it, but with innovative thinking you could overcome obstacles to getting what you want.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
If you get a bright idea or intuitive nudge regarding finances, then pay attention Gemini. If there is something urgent to attend to, take action sooner rather than later, as the weekend Eclipse could bring matters to a head. This is a time of restructuring, and if you can get money matters streamlined over coming weeks, you might soon find yourself doing much better overall.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Relationships are to the fore, with Saturn re-entering your sector of relating and Jupiter and Pluto forging a strong connection. As a result, you may sense that something is about to shift. If your bond is strong, then this week might coincide with a gear change that can find you discussing and resolving key issues. If a romance is not working, it could be time to turn over a new leaf Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
A revelation could inspire you to make some major lifestyle changes that may be long overdue Leo. With the Sun in a quieter zone, you might have been questioning things and be ready to commit to a path that allows you to express your unique qualities. The weekend Eclipse could coincide with a decision that may see you rearranging your schedule to make this more possible.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You may be drawn to collaborate on a brilliant idea, and although it might take time to get it right, it could lead to exciting discoveries. But powerful forces are also encouraging you to take stock of your creative and entrepreneurial skills, and to hone them if necessary, or even to branch out. This week's Eclipse might bring a golden opportunity, if you are willing to embrace it.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You may uncover interesting facts related to your ancestry that help you to see life in perspective, and this could be healing. The week ahead can bring an epiphany around family matters that helps you let go of deep-seated emotions, enabling you to feel at peace with an issue that might have been on your mind. Ready to invest in a bold idea? Research your options Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
If you are finding it difficult to resolve something, this week could be a turning point Scorpio. A unique combination of energies, including a Lunar Eclipse in your sector of talk and thought, could mean that information comes your way that changes everything. Although matters might not be settled overnight, with some persistence they could be sorted out much more easily.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Mars in your leisure zone encourages you to add a playful and creative element to any challenges you might be dealing with. This week could bring a money matter to a head, and with a Lunar Eclipse involved, emotions might ramp up. By detaching, innovative solutions can bubble up. With some paring back and restructuring, your finances may develop a new lease of life Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
An intense Jupiter/Pluto tie coupled with Saturn re-entering your sign, could lead to decisions about your goals and ambitions. With a Lunar Eclipse in the mix, you may need to make allowances for your partner as you draw up new plans. Best results can be had by listening to their views, but also enjoying leisure time together, as this might help offset a busier time ahead.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The idea of a lifestyle change may have been on your mind for some time, but this week you could come closer to making it a reality. With a Lunar Eclipse on the cards, a realization might inspire you to implement creative ideas that could lead to greater satisfaction overall. An empowering focus can see you making an impact in various circles that could boost revenue.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
A golden opportunity may show up because of your association with a friend or group, and although it could take a while to bear fruit, it can be worth taking up. Plus, you might feel an urge to make changes to your social scene with a desire to move in new circles, especially if your interests have changed. The weekend Eclipse could find you taking this idea very seriously.