Weekly Horoscopes 29th July 2019

The Sun and Venus in Leo both square up to restless Uranus in Taurus this week which could create some tensions particularly around spending decisions or matters of romance and affection. This can create a touch of rebellion but particularly where something is stuck or is too entrenched. Why? Well both locations are dominated by Fixed or less adaptive energy. If we do dig our heels in, it needs to be for a good reason. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 29th July 2019 please see below… 

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

While it's great to enjoy life and entertain romance, everything comes at a price, which is something you may need to consider if you are tempted to splash out too much. Experienced delays and misunderstandings recently? Thoughtful Mercury will turn direct this week, which can make life much easier. And if you're ready to take a romance to a new level, the New Moon says go for it. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Think your family will object if you dare to be different? This week you'll find out. Edgy aspects between the Sun, Venus and Uranus, encourage you to be authentic rather than strive to keep the peace. If you can do this in small ways, you'll be ready to take on bigger challenges in time. Indeed, with a delightful lunation in your home zone, the scene is set for exciting developments.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Articulate Mercury your ruler, has been retrograde for around three weeks. This week it turns direct, which means you'll gradually see an improvement in your affairs, particularly around finances and cash flow. In addition, the New Moon in your sector of communication, can be excellent for starting a project, de-cluttering those paper hotspots and forging connections.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

The urge to splurge on something because your friends have, could be strong, but a pause for thought might help you. Do you really need it? If not, save your money for wiser investments. Still, a potent lunar phase in your financial zone, hints that this is the perfect time for a fresh start. And you could always begin by selling items you no longer need and earning some extra cash.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Positive influences in your sign, suggest your confidence may be soaring, which has to be a good thing. Even so, it may be unwise to overreact to someone high up, as they may not take it well. If you feel ruffled by their words or actions, stay cool, as it can then blow over. The New Moon in your sign may spur you on to spark new habits or get moving on an exciting plan.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

As lively Mercury turns direct this week in your social zone, any issues or misunderstandings should gradually resolve Virgo. Aside from this, the focus on your spiritual sector continues to bring an opportunity to get to grips with issues that have held you back for too long. It may be time to challenge your beliefs too, as freeing yourself from those that limit you can be a relief.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Have a secret crush on someone Libra? Perhaps you feel it is inappropriate to tell them. Your body language may give it away though. If you are solo, would it be so bad if they found out? And don't feel guilty about revealing something personal to a trusted friend, as it could be very healing. Keen to join a novel group or club? The New Moon encourages you to take the plunge.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

With key planets in your sector of goals, be sure to highlight your best qualities and talk about your accomplishments Scorpio. The more people get to know about you, the better, as this can translate into some great opportunities or even a promotion. Don't let other people distract you from your chosen path, as a potent lunar phase suggests a new beginning is shaping up for you.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The urge to get away from it all could increase the more work you have to do. You could easily be knocked off course by thoughts of sun and sea, and of travelling to exotic places. The secret is to plan for a getaway, so you have something to look forward to. Trust your intuition on this Archer, as by following through, you may be on the threshold of an exciting new opportunity.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

As the planet of talk and thought turns direct in your sector of relating, any recent misunderstandings may soon be resolved. But with a focus on your sector of finances and business, it pays to take care as mistakes can creep in for another week or so. Still, this can be a time of positive transformation if you are willing to let go of the old and embrace the new.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

There's a mutual give and take that brings relationships alive, and that can see you thriving when you are collaborating or working in a team. Although there may be a time when a more independent path seems preferable, you can accomplish so much more together than alone. Keen to be a part of a group challenge or project? This may be your chance to get involved.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Communication may need care, as there could be a disconnect between what you say and what someone hears. Awkward angles with restless Uranus, suggest it's best not to jump to conclusions. You look to be busy in a positive way, and this can assist you in moving ahead at work or your business. If you are ready to take things to a new level, then it's time to do so.