Weekly Horoscopes 28th October 2019

his week's New Moon in Scorpio on Monday sees an electric link to Uranus. With both in Fixed signs it absolutely essential that we do not take unbending positions on anything key. Mercury also goes Retrograde in Scorpio this week, so when discussing finances or contracts, care and extra attention to detail is essential. Venus however, glides into Sagittarius, seeing us search for truth. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 28th October 2019 please see below… 

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Ready for a financial shift? An electric New Moon opposing Uranus, could coincide with a realization or an event that moves you into action and encourages a fresh start. You may have been pondering the idea of change, and if so, it might be impossible to put it off any longer. Plus, with Mercury regressing, this can be a chance to resolve issues that have dragged on for far too long. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Relationships may be a top priority with the potential for a new beginning. This might arise out of a desire to share something personal that could change the context of a key bond. It can also come as a surprise. But if it liberates you from someone's false expectations, then it can be a positive. There may be a lot of discussion to resolve key issues, but this could be a gamechanger.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

With Mercury turning retrograde, there is potential for mixed messages, delays and for things breaking down when you need them. Bearing this is mind, try to factor in extra time for those important tasks and meetings. A lively lunation can see you making changes to your schedule that reflect your authentic desires and needs, and which could meddle with the status quo.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Something you have been busy with on and off, could become a much bigger part of your life. A New Moon in your sector of leisure and enterprise links with innovative Uranus, which could see you taking an idea or romance further. With Mercury rewinding though, it's best to handle things step-by-step Cancer, as there might be changes to your best plans over coming weeks.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

With a powerful line-up in your home zone, there is the potential for a shift that could revolutionize your work life balance. A desire for more freedom regarding your job or other responsibilities might become a reality, and soon. Plus, as luscious Venus enters your sector of romance, this can be the perfect opportunity to kindle passions and enjoy a love adventure.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

It may only take one idea to transform your life, so be ready Virgo, as the week ahead could be a turning point for you. If a brilliant opportunity comes your way, you might wonder whether to take it or not, as it could require a leap of faith. If you opt for a slow and steady approach, then you can do well. With Mercury in reverse though, be prepared for delays and some changes to plans.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Are you a good money manager? If finances have seemed out of control, then events this week can push you to get back on track. It might be the shock of realizing just how much you have splurged on non-essential items that does it. Keep receipts and paperwork for expensive purchases though, as Mercury enters its retrograde phase and an item or service could fail to please.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Giving someone more freedom to be who they are doesn't spell the end of a relationship, but could initiate a new phase in its development. With a New Moon in your sign facing off with emancipating Uranus, a key bond may need more space if it is to develop further. You may want to talk things over if this leaves you insecure Scorpio, but it could thrive over the long-term.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

A key lunation in a more private zone can bring a deeper realization of your destiny or purpose in life. This may be helped along by its opposition to freedom-loving Uranus, which can inspire a desire to be true to your inner promptings. Equally, an event could give you a nudge in a new direction. On a social note, Venus's entrance into your sign may enhance your popularity.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Social options could get spicier and more interesting from this week, and it may be because of an encounter that sizzles with potential. It could be a romance, but this might also refer to a friendship that revitalizes your life. And with the planet of talk and thought rewinding, you could connect with someone from your past, bringing an opportunity to catch up on the latest news.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Change is in the air as the New Moon opposes revolutionary Uranus, encouraging you to explore the potential for working from home either on a part-time or full-time basis. It is also possible that you may feel like getting out more and finding a job, or even volunteering could be the answer to this. Ready to socialize? The coming weeks can see you ready for new encounters.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The urge to step out and explore new terrain can inspire you to take a bold step forward. Something or someone could act as a catalyst that pushes you out of your comfort zone. This might be a cause of disruption, but it can also bring fresh streams of energy into your life. Ready to take a goal further? Connecting with those who have influence could assist you with this.