Weekly Horoscopes 27th May 2019

The trick this week will be to block out those doubting voices, or our own inner doubts. Actually, if we focus on the situations, people and financial prospects which are truly meaningful, something special can unfold. But equally, someone can promise something which doesn't materialise, or be darn right unreliable. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 27th May 2019 please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You may want to believe the best about an offer, opportunity or even a person. But before you commit to anything it can help to do some research. There is the potential for misunderstandings, so do also listen to your instincts. In addition, a buoyant aspect can leave you rather over optimistic, and this may need balancing with a practical approach to get the very best outcomes. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Don't be beguiled by an offer that promises the earth but could see you losing instead of gaining. Before you pledge your hard-earned cash for anything, ask a few searching questions, just to be sure. Still, the end of the week could see you splurging on an item that you feel you must have. Do you really need it though? If it is an investment and not pure luxury, then go ahead.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You may feel you can accomplish almost anything, but it might be better to understate what you can deliver rather than raise others' expectations. Even so, Venus's harmonious tie to nebulous Neptune and sobering Saturn, suggests that you may be determined to bring a dream to life. A lovely idea may more easily translate into reality if you're willing to accept a few limitations.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Knowing what you want suggests that you're almost half way to getting it. If you have only a vague idea though, it's best to wait until you have more certainty. If you really can't wait, then the advice of a friend could be helpful, even if it does bring you soundly back to earth. This week, dreams vie with reality Cancer, but if you can find a way to combine both you may do well.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Be sure to get your money's worth, as something you purchase may not match your expectations. And if it comes as a recommendation from a friend, you might be even more miffed. And yet, a down-to-earth influence hints that you can make positive strides by adopting a business-like approach to any negotiations. On a social note, an event could prove really buoyant.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Don't take it personally if someone can't deliver on a promise, as unexpected circumstances could make it difficult. In fact, things may not go quite as planned this week due to mistakes and misunderstandings. Don't let it stress you, instead do your best and know that by the weekend you may hit a more productive streak. A formal event could be a game-changer though.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Someone could leave you feeling guilty for not helping them as much as they'd like. If so, it may be time to stand your ground, especially if this is a repeat experience. Looking for love? There is potential for a romantic date that could be quite delightful. Don't discount a relationship moving at a slow but steady pace though, as this could be one which has some mileage Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You could be mesmerized by someone who seems just perfect for you, but are they really? Getting a friend's opinion may run counter to your preference for making your own decisions, but it might be just as well to get their feedback. You might feel overly optimistic about your money situation too, when a more price-conscious approach could serve you better Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Feeling creative Archer? If making your home more beautiful appeals and you have skills that you can apply, then let your imagination go to work. Uplifting tones and art or crafts made by you could bring a new element to your place. At the same time, connecting with a friend or someone whose company you enjoy, could make for a pleasantly upbeat weekend, although duty might call too.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Whatever your message, be sure that others understand, as a confusing Mercury/Neptune link suggests mistakes could be easily made. Be sure to make yourself crystal clear and don't leave things to chance. A more sobering tie involving convivial Venus though, is a reminder that even formal events can be fun and uplifting. Willing to take part? You likely won't regret it Capricorn.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Thinking of starting a new hobby? Don't jump in just yet as you may just as quickly fall out of love with the idea. Before you part with any money try it and see, and then you can make a more informed decision. As fiery Mars continues to move through your sector of goals, it may stir up reactions to certain activities that you don't really like. This might be a good time for a change.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

An imaginative connection between creative Venus and Neptune, might encourage you to learn more about artistic skills or about a key player. Visiting galleries and exhibitions, attending a course or reading books, can all help you in your quest. Your Solar Horoscope also suggests that if you are keen to liaise with others on a major project? This week can see you getting involved in discussions that could help lay the groundwork.