Jupiter plays a big role in this week's proceedings, continuing its enchanting link to Neptune, opposing Mercury and squaring with Mars. Thus, keeping a sense of perspective, whilst being more progressive are key. Also the Sun begins a tense right angle with Uranus. This could make us a bit more impetuous about our resources and inclinded to splash out, but a little of what we fancy may do us the world of good. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 27th July 2020 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
You will need to look beneath the surface this week, as things may not be as they seem. With hazy Neptune involved, it can be easy to draw the wrong conclusions or to exaggerate your options. Over the weekend Mercury faces off with Pluto, which also encourages a deeper dive and a willingness to recognize the truth, even if doing so rocks the boat and causes ripples Aries.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The Quarter Moon in Scorpio can be a time of decision concerning a key project. Don't take on more than you can handle though Taurus, and avoid impulsive moves that could undo your hard work and effort. You might find yourself pitted against someone who seems to know it all. Ask them a few searching questions though, and you may find that you have the upper hand after all.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You can get this week off to a powerful start, by simplifying things rather than trying to make everything perfect. It will all get done faster and you'll be more relaxed. There is potential for crossed wires though, which is another reason to take care. Make sure you and another are on the same page, especially if they are giving instructions as this could avoid a lot of extra work Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If something or someone inspires you, then don't let anyone convince you otherwise. They may not see what you are seeing, so trust your gut. There is also the chance to team up with someone who is on your wavelength. If anything needs taking care of, their practical nature can prove invaluable. Go easy on Sunday though, as an impulsive purchase could be a mistake Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The Quarter Moon may be a chance to catch your breath and process through certain feelings so you can let them go. Try not to begrudge yourself this opportunity, as it could greatly improve your week. Avoid believing everything you hear, as not all opportunities are equal. Someone might make you a great offer, but unless you pick it apart in some detail, you won't know its true value.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You and another could make beautiful music together, whether you collaborate on a creative project or find yourself involved romantically. As Jupiter aligns with hazy Neptune, your practical side can be enhanced by their natural sparkle. Over the weekend, the Sun's angle to Uranus might be a call not to hide your unique traits and qualities, but to make the most of them.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Need a treat? The Quarter Moon encourages you to see this as investing in yourself, whether you decide on a socially distanced pampering session with a friend or opt for a scrumptious take-away for two. If tasks and responsibilities are getting too much for you, it may be because you are not saying '€œno'€ often enough. Introduce it back into your vocabulary for instant relief.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
A potent lunar phase brings the chance of a gear change regarding a key plan. If you are happy with the way things are progressing, it's full speed ahead. If not, let it go. An encounter could have a positive and uplifting effect on you and if you have romantic feelings for this person, there might be soul mate potential here. Ready to shine? Don't be distracted from reaching your goal.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The Sun in red-hot Aries encourages you to keep pushing yourself to take on challenges or to learn something new. As it angles towards the Moon, it could be a call to overcome lingering fears about a new opportunity and instead to go for it. You may need to pare back spending, but you might realize how little you really need. Selling items can give you financial leeway too.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Stay on your toes Capricorn, as just as things seem to be going well, confusion can throw you off track. Make sure you read any small print or understand instructions as this might either help or hinder progress. Regarding a key relationship, don't feel bad about admitting to any weaknesses, as this could help strengthen your bond more than you realize, and be a relief for you too.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Clarity may be essential to avoid over or under-estimating a person or situation. With ethereal Neptune on the field, it can be so easy to get the wrong end of the stick, leading to unhelpful decisions. The Scorpio Quarter Moon might help you to focus beneath the surface to what matters and to make decisions from there. The more you seek out the truth, the better your results.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Use your imagination wisely this week, and you could go far. With Neptune in your sign making quite an impact, it can be easy to let fears and doubts overwhelm you. By focusing on the outcome you want, you may begin to act in constructive ways that make your to-do list easier to accomplish. Feel a surge of creativity? Give in to it Pisces as doing so might be very therapeutic.