Venus forges a beautiful link to Neptune in Pisces. This combination brings the potential for a very special connection, or to raise our consciousness. However, it is squared by Mars, so some care is needed. In what way? Well, if we meet someone for the first time and are rapt by their presence, before we elevate them too highly in our thinking, check there is not some kind of subtle deception or hidden matter. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 27th Jan 2020 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
As Mars your ruler aligns with ethereal Neptune you may have plans, but putting them into action can be another matter. And with sweet Venus also forging a link to this spiritual planet, you might be more inclined to help others than help yourself. By the weekend though, one desire can stand out from the rest and you may find yourself doing whatever it takes to make it a reality Aries.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You may have a strong resolve to sort out an issue or work on a plan, but could find that friends seem to siphon away your energy. Not on purpose, but by tempting you with invites or perhaps calling or messaging you. Stand firm and resolve to complete those key tasks first. Also, a relationship could capture your attention, and time may seem irrelevant once you get involved.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Let clarity be your mantra, as without it there could be a tendency for misunderstandings and unnecessary complications. If you aren't sure what you want to accomplish, then no amount of assistance from others will help. By the weekend, Venus's tie with Pluto can enable you to zero in on a desire that coincides with a sparkling opportunity, and you might truly relish this Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
While daydreaming can be a pleasant enough pastime, it could also be the reason why you don't get as much done as you would like. With potent Mars angling towards hazy Neptune, you may be tempted by the path of least resistance, but if you can get a few items completed you'll feel better. Regarding a new relationship, you could move from indifferent to keen in a flash, Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The Sun and Mercury in your sector of relating, can inspire you to connect with others and to work together as a team. This line-up might also be a chance to improve key relationships and overcome any ongoing difficulties. Find energy levels dipping? Don't push yourself Leo, use this chance to recharge. Get ready over the weekend as a lucrative opportunity might come your way.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
While you may be keen to get moving on a household project, you could find someone's lack of enthusiasm quite draining Virgo. Give it a rest for now, as in a few days things can take a much livelier turn. There are romantic opportunities showing too, and although you could be a little mesmerized by someone at first, your attitude to them can soon change to one of ardent desire.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Despite your best intentions, you may find yourself giving way to someone and helping them out, even if it does mean making a sacrifice Libra. Thinking of saying no? It could leave you feeling guilty. Yet if you can be strong, you will have set a firmer boundary. With the Sun and Mercury in your leisure zone, this is one of the better times for fun outings or a heady romance.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Before you get too involved in a creative project or new liaison, it might help to consider the cost Scorpio. This is not only in financial terms, but also time and other resources. Is it worth it? Be sure you know the score before you commit. The Quarter Moon in Taurus can be a milestone concerning a home-based project. Get everyone's agreement, and success may soon be yours.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Ready to get moving on a plan? A family member could seem to undermine your intentions. And because you don't want to upset them, you might give way. If you can wait until the end of the week though Archer, they may be more amenable. With the right approach they might even prove supportive. Need to get out? Time spent in good company could help boost your spirits.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
As Saturn slowly moves away from Pluto, you'll likely begin to feel a little easier concerning an awkward situation. Indeed, as jovial Jupiter continues in your sign it can alert you to opportunities that might bring about a breakthrough. Considering the cost of a budding romance or new project? With a Quarter Moon in your leisure zone, mulling this over could lead to a decision.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
This is a great opportunity to connect with others on your wavelength. And yet with a hazy angle between Mars and Neptune, you could find yourself doing more than your fair share in a group project, whether in terms of effort or money. If so, it may be time to address this. Ready to purchase something, no matter how much it costs? Be sure it is a good investment Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You could find yourself in a soulful mood, and one in which you might not feel as motivated as you have been. Don't force the pace as it could so easily change by the weekend. Have no option but to push ahead? Simplifying your schedule could help you conserve energy Pisces. You might find that spending time with understanding friends or pursuing hobbies can leave you upbeat.