Both Venus and Mercury move into the sign of Balance, Libra on Wednesday. Mercury Retrogrades whilst Venus advances. Mind, Mercury's rewind does square up with Saturn, the celestial taskmaster and even the most reasonable of gestures can be scrutinised in the most exacting of ways. This brings us to a rare Halloween Blue Moon on Saturday in Taurus, heavily influenced by the erratic Uranus. Some deep secrets may spill out or will it be somesurprise passionate embraces or separations! For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 26th of October 2020 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
All change this week, as Mercury retro eases back into Libra with luscious Venus moving in too. Balanced thinking and a willingness to see all sides of any issues, can foster agreement and encourage discussion. As the potent Full Moon aligns with a Uranus, impulsive buys could be a cause of regret. If you can't go the weekend without shopping, opt for a small treat.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Happy with your lifestyle? With key planets moving in, you may be keen to make wellbeing a part of your daily schedule. This is a good time to review past efforts, and to find a more balanced way to stick to a diet or to enjoy daily exercise. Relationship matters could be affected by the Full Moon stirring up intense feelings. Avoid spur-of-the-moment decisions, Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Leisure options can appeal, and could find you seeking outlets for your creative talents. With lively Mercury reversing into Libra, reunions may be on the cards, whether with friends or perhaps an ex. Have a skill and want to earn extra cash? This is a great time to showcase your work. While the weekend Full Moon might disrupt plans, a new discovery could be made Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
From this week, ideas of beautifying your home could move to a new level, with Mercury and Venus entering your domestic sector. Decluttering can give you more room to make harmonious changes that might enhance your living space. The weekend may highlight an emerging issue with a friend or social group, and if you'd planned on distancing yourself, you could do it now.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Good communication might help keep things sweet and avoid any issues. Mercury retrograde and its movement back into Libra, can assist you in getting a balanced view of an issue that may have caused recent frustration. Plus, the Venus influence adds charm, and smooths the way for helpful discussions. Have any issues with your work/life balance? A decision might need to be made Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Mercury your ruler regresses back into Libra and your money zone, and is joined by Venus. This is an opportunity to dissect your budget, and consider how you might improve on it and have more money at your disposal. The weekend could be intense though, as a discussion can bring about an unexpected reaction. If you want to keep on good terms with someone, stay neutral.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You'll be in your element, as the planet of talk and thought re-enters your sign, followed by luscious Venus, bringing qualities of fairness and justice into the picture. These positive indicators can be a call to review relationships, amend agreements and find a way through any difficulties. Still, when it comes to financial matters, avoid hasty decisions over the weekend.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The focus shifts to your sector of reflection and intuition, as key planets Mercury and Venus move in this week. With Mercury in its retro phase, this can be a golden opportunity for unravelling issues that have been getting in the way of progress. It's time to find closure. With a Full Moon aligned with maverick Uranus, someone's actions could surprise you this weekend.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Your social life looks more promising, as the focus shifts around midweek encouraging you to reach out and connect. As lively Mercury continues its rewind phase, this may be a chance to link up with old friends, enjoy a college reunion or engage with an ex or old flame. Consider simplifying your arrangements this weekend, and above all, it's wise to expect the unexpected.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
While your social life continues to be positively active, Venus's move into your sector of goals and ambitions, encourages you to dress for success. At the same time, rethinking your plans and making helpful adjustments could aid progress. Falling for someone? The weekend Full Moon can be intense and impulsive, and you are not exempt. Want to avoid regrets? Then bide your time.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Thoughts of getting away can be on your mind, as Mercury and Venus move into your learning and adventure zone. You might have an urge for something different, and with the planet of talk and thought rewinding, this could involve visiting a place that evokes memories. Go easy over the weekend, as you may do something that's not like you, and that others find surprising.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
A desire for something may be amplified, as sultry Venus moves into an intensely emotional zone. This can link to a romance that is beginning to blossom, while another influence hints at an urge to connect with someone you might have dated and never forgotten. The weekend could be awkward with the potential for a falling out, unless you can put yourself in another's shoes.