The power of the fabulous Mars infused New Moon continues to cascade its energy into this week, great for listing to our inner voices, and particularly around relationships or financial decisions, with Venus so prominent. With both Jupiter and Pluto forging right angles, to the planet of attraction, we should be mindful of what people's motives are. But where we are sure of ourselves, we can push forwards with confidence. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 24th February 2020 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Paying attention to those subtle nudges can help you take the right course of action, and make getting ahead in the world so much easier. Still, with the Sun in a tender zone, you might be inclined to keep your thoughts to yourself even though you likely have bold plans on the go. Want something? You may try too hard Aries, when a gentle more measured approach would do.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Travel involving a reunion or a chance to visit somewhere that means a lot to you may be on the cards. The presence of dynamic Mars in your adventure sector, can find you restless and eager to explore, whether you want to journey to new places or try fresh experiences, and friends can be a catalyst. Have secret feelings for someone? No matter how you try to hide it, it could still show.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
As lively Mercury continues in its retrograde phase decisions may be delayed, and making progress could be more difficult. Don't force the pace Gemini, but instead use the interactive aspects showing up this week to discuss various scenarios and consider new options. At the very least you'll know what you don't want, and can then make strides towards those things you do.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Feel it's time to spice up a close partnership or to be proactive regarding a collaboration or plan? With energetic Mars in your sector of relating, this is the time to go for it. And ideas of doing something different like visiting a new country or upgrading your skills, could help too. It's also possible that a surprise encounter with someone you once knew might inspire a bold opportunity.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The Sun and also the retrograding Mercury are in a more intense zone, could find you mulling over key issues with a view to finding the best way ahead. This might mean reviewing your plans and making a few adjustments. Plus, an edgy Venus/Pluto link might coincide with a battle of wills that comes to a head by the weekend. By the following week Leo, you may wonder what all the fuss was about.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
As messenger Mercury continues in its rewind phase in your sector of relating, this could be an opportunity to discuss issues that have been dragging on for some while. If you can talk things over in a gentle and sensitive way, then a solution may be found. Keen to encourage a romantic bond? It's best not to rush into anything as you could regret it. Let things proceed naturally.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Eager to enhance wellbeing? This week can find you reviewing your present routine and deciding where you might make changes. If you need guidance, then a personal trainer or savvy friend may have advice to give. Need to resolve a family issue? You could find it hard to reach an agreement Libra, especially if you have a preferred outcome and your partner has other ideas.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Whatever the issue, the presence of dynamic Mars in your sector of talk and thought, can be an opportunity to make progress by asking for advice and researching your options. Let imagination flow too, as it could add sparkle to ideas you have on the go. Is someone being a tad stubborn? They could surprise you with the intensity of their feelings concerning a mutual plan or project.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
As thoughtful Mercury continues to rewind in your home zone, this can be a good time to clear out clutter and perhaps get rid of items that you no longer need. And with some potent aspects to your money zone, any cash you do get might quickly add up. You may find yourself reminiscing, as old photos or other pieces can trigger sentimental feelings and memories of the past Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
What you want and what your family want can be entirely different, and may be the cause of intense discussions. If you are keen to avoid control battles, then a compromise might not be such a bad thing. And feisty Mars in your sign can give you the motivation to push ahead with ideas that require more energy and input. Pace yourself, and soon enough it can all fall into place.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
With dynamic Mars in a subtle zone opposing your Point of Destiny, it may be time to put any recent insights into action. If you have been biding your time, then this alignment suggests the opposite, as you may find an ongoing issue easily resolves once you do. You may be tempted to doubt any intuitive nudges too, when listening to them could save you much time and trouble.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Involved socially? There seems to be plenty of interaction going on that hints at plans being discussed, as well as invites and romantic dates. With Mercury in reverse, make sure times and dates are accurate, as there could be delays and disappointment if not. Been busy helping friends in your spare time? You might find that doing your own thing can be a real restorative Pisces.
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