Weekly Horoscopes 24th June 2019

All week Sun in Cancer forges a fantastic link to freedom planet Uranus in Taurus. This Water/Earth bond is ideal for making changes to our homes that create more space, or perhaps see us work in our abode. Some people may look to move to somewhere bigger or more suitable. Mercury also moves into Leo on Thursday, and can help us all to be more outgoing. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 24th June 2019 please see below… 

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

After all the recent events, this week can seem much easier as recent challenges show signs of resolving or even solving themselves. The Quarter Moon in your sign, can be a call to tie up loose ends concerning home and family projects, as you may want to explore new options very soon. And as Mercury enters Leo, your mind may turn to more relaxing hobbies and sports. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Venus's edgy link to dreamy Neptune, could bring mixed messages or a misunderstanding around a friendship or potential romance. Don't let this spoil what could become a supportive bond, unless you sense this person is purposely misleading you. Plans can also come together regarding a family project, and all it needs is for you to talk it over and finalize the details Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

A meeting may fill you with hope regarding a creative project or a collaboration on a key idea. With both Venus and Jupiter angling towards hazy Neptune though, it could morph into a plan that quickly gets out of hand, and costs might then escalate too. It helps to frequently touch base with those involved to keep things on an even keel, so that expectations aren't too high.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

This week's Lunation might inspire a conversation about your plans, especially if a project or idea is reaching completion. What will you do next? If you're ready for something new, your next idea may involve a subject that is very personal to you. And as thoughtful Mercury enters your money zone, this might be a chance to plan ahead and to negotiate a deal on a key item.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

With a potent lunar phase this week, you may find it a lot easier to see the bigger picture and to find your way out of an issue that has so far proved confusing. Be willing to share your feelings about this, as a friend may have insights that prove very helpful. And Mercury's move into your zodiac sign, can see your charismatic self on the playing field with opinions and ideas to share.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Someone might leave you feeling guilty for pursuing an idea or goal when you could be spending time with them. Their mood may not last long, but it can make you wary of them. On another note, a powerful lunar phase could leave you wondering whether to share a secret with a friend. Once out in the open anything could happen, so be sure this is a wise course of action.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Are you ready to pursue a key goal? The Quarter Moon brings an opportunity to sort out any objections before you go ahead. This might refer to a career move or a plan you have been hatching for some time. And if your social life has been quiet, things can change for the better from this week, as convivial Mercury's presence could bring more invites and lively company.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

If you can squeeze in the time for a travel adventure or a restful break, then it might be just what's needed after the recent spate of intense aspects. A chance to reflect on key events could help you make sense of all that has occurred. And as Mercury moves into your sector of ambition, this is the time to share your ideas with those who can help you to accomplish them.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The focus on a more intense zone, can see you eager to put something to rest that may have niggled you for a while. This might be related to incidents over the past week or so, and can encourage new developments and even a breakthrough. Ready to reach for new opportunities? As Mercury powers into Leo, this is the time to promote yourself and to embrace a challenge.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

No matter how often someone insists they are right, you don't have to believe them. There may be a setback because of this, but you'll likely be proven right. The Quarter Moon in your domestic zone, can be a call to get everyone on the same page so that you can move ahead with a family project. Have something important to say? Now is a good time to get it out into the open.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The rhythms and routines of your life may be ready for a change, particularly if the last week or so has thrown you a curveball. Reorganizing your daily life could make you more productive though, if you carve out time for relaxation. And your social life may have additional sparkle, making this a good time to connect with old friends, and to enjoy the pleasure of good company.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Sweet Venus's angle to dreamy Neptune in your sign Pisces, can see you hankering after an item for the home. It may be a piece of art or perhaps a whole new look that you are yearning for. Don't rush into anything though, as the Quarter Moon hints that something affordable may be the best option. A piece of news you hear later in the week could work to your advantage, if you use it.