The week begins with an incredibly powerful New Moon, which has bags of healing potential in it. This suggests where we initiate and take responsibility for ourselves, better things are possible. However, this New Moon does clash with the North Node, so we need to be mindful of other people's sensitivities. Speaking of which, Mars, Jupiter and Pluto stay very influential. Power used properly, can build, badly destroy. For some lucky people this can though be quite a romantic week. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 23rd March 2020 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
This looks to be a positive if intense week, when you can go far Aries, especially if charm is accompanied by determination. As Mars connects with Pluto on Monday it could set the tone for the week ahead, encouraging you to take a bold step forward even if challenges are present. The early New Moon is the best of the year for you. Ready for a fresh start? Now is the time.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Venus your guide begins the week with a romantic tie to dreamy Neptune, which can be excellent for a special date. A few days later she aligns with jovial Jupiter and then Pluto, which suggests an encounter could have quite an impact on you if you were to get more involved. Keen to find peace of mind? If so, the New Moon encourages regular reflection, meditation or perhaps yoga.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Keen to pare back your list of contacts? This week's New Moon can be a call to gently remove those who may take more than they give. And you'll have more time for close friends and be ready to move in new circles. This could be a week of big decisions and important moves around money and business. And concerning a deep soul bond, it might benefit from positive attention.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
While you may feel very in tune with someone and deeply understanding of their feelings, it's helpful to adopt a more assertive tone regarding a collaboration or partnership. Big plans might be in the ether, and these can require intense discussion. You might not agree with every proposal, so say so Cancer. With a New Moon in a prominent zone, it's time to embrace the spotlight.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The powerful focus on your lifestyle sector could reach a peak this week, and this might find you at a turning point. Who you know can be as helpful as what you know Leo, as you navigate your way through the days ahead. Someone might be willing to give you a hand just when you need it. In addition, the New Moon in your adventure zone could inspire you to explore a new path.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You could feel very drawn to someone, and sense that they feel the same about you Virgo. And whether this is a potential friendship or romantic bond, it could benefit you both. You may be looking for deeper changes though, and with a New Moon in an intense zone, this is the time to initiate them. With a push, a creative project may gain momentum and show great promise.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Looking for the best time to forge a business partnership or take a romance to the next level? If so, this week's early Lunation may be a good time to make a move. And if you should have any reservations, this is also an opportunity to discuss them. There could be good news for the family and certainly a lot of activity in this sector that can see good progress being made Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You could be unstoppable, as Mars aligns with volcanic Pluto in your sector of communication. The coming week can find you making a decision that could set wheels in motion. And certain others might be very helpful in this regard, giving you the support you need. Feel motivated to get organized? The lunation in your lifestyle sector makes this a good time to make a start Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Are you considering a major purchase? If it is an investment, then you could do very well out of it, Archer. If there is a more impulsive feel about this, then pause and consider your options. Do you really need it now? Mind, there is also potential for a money-making opportunity that could work out very well for you. Keen to indulge a new hobby? This is a great time to have a go.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You may be on a roll Capricorn, with everything going your way. With a determined push, an important project could soon show signs of success. Venus also makes some sterling ties, so there is potential for a delightful date or quality time with a loved one. Open to change on the domestic front? A potent lunar phase might inspire you to get started and could help build momentum.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
This week's New Moon in your sector of communication, can be perfect if you want to promote your skills, market your business or get paperwork organized. But there is also a lot going on in private zones that hints at life-changing decisions. Ready to embrace a side of yourself that may have lain dormant for some time? Doing so can bring insights and lead to inner transformation.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
As sweet Venus aligns with dreamy Neptune, a soulful meeting can be rewarding and could lead to a supportive and caring bond, even if feelings veer towards being intense at times. The week ahead looks to be sociable in a dynamic way. Involved in a team project? You may be at the heart of the action and excited about the potential for good things to happen to others and to you.
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