Weekly Horoscopes 23rd September 2019

The Autumn Equinox makes way for the Sun's journey into Libra, joining with Mercury and Venus. This brings more of a relating vibe to bear and good luck is possible in this regard, for some lucky people. However, Saturn and Pluto suggest that other ties could prove more challenging, with a shift in power in the celestial works. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 23rd September 2019 please see below… 

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

As the illuminating Sun glides into Libra joining Mercury and Venus, relationships flourish, and working with or socializing with others can be a pleasure. Romantic opportunities are very much on the cards, especially if you are willing to make the first move. Handle those in authority with tact though Aries. Plus, the weekend New Moon can usher in a new dawn for a key bond. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

A balanced lifestyle could help streamline your affairs and reduce stress, and with the focus on work and wellness issues, this is a good time to make relevant changes. Venus's angle to Saturn midweek, could see you wavering regarding an opportunity. Once you see the benefits though, you'll regain your confidence. A lovely Jupiter tie can see you treating yourself, and why not?

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Leisure options can bring a lot of pleasure, and with both Venus and Mercury linking to Jupiter, this can certainly be a time to indulge. More urgent matters can call out to you around midweek though, when a decision to get closure on a key issue can bring relief. A positive lunar phase is perfect for taking a developing romance to a new level Gemini, or exploring a new interest.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Domestic pleasures can be yours, whether you want to relax and enjoy some pampering, redecorate or perhaps entertain. Don't presume to know what close ones are thinking though, as this could lead to complications. It's better to talk things over and reach an agreement. The Libra New Moon can be helpful for initiating new developments at home or in the family circle.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Good communication can bring positive developments, and with flexibility you may be able to sign off deals and come to sound agreements. You will need to be more circumspect around midweek though, when a Mercury Pluto angle hints at potential conflict. An easygoing approach can help you find a solution. Also, an encounter could have romantic potential over the weekend.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Benevolent influences could see you earning more and spending more too. As lively Mercury and sweet Venus align with Jupiter, the idea of buying for your home could see you looking for ways to enhance your place. Have more pressing projects on the go? Working out a budget can overcome any conflict of interests. Want a fresh financial start? Your Solar Horoscope suggests that now is the time to go for it.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The radiant Sun enters your sign for a four week stay, which can see you brimming with energy and self-confidence. And with Mercury and Venus already in Libra and linking to expansive Jupiter, the coming days may shower you with kindness and good fortune. Family may need tactful handling this week. Ready for a fresh start? The New Moon is your ally Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You are now in a quieter phase, with a focus on a private zone encouraging you to reflect on your priorities. Have something to resolve? You may be guided to take action on a relationship issue and initiating discussion could help iron out any difficulties. If you have wanted greater peace of mind, making meditation, yoga or other spiritual disciplines a regular habit could be helpful.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You seem to be in a peak social phase, which can see you eager to connect with friends and move in new circles. Just keep an eye on membership and other related costs, as comparing prices could net you a better deal. With lovely links to jovial Jupiter in your sign, supportive bonds and romance can be a possibility. Ready to take a relationship to a new level? Go for it, Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

As the Sun adds its positive presence to your sector of goals, this is a great opportunity to promote your skills and move forward with key ambitions. You might not progress far without the help of others Capricorn, so making an effort to socialize can be a good move. Still, you may disagree on important issues, which is why the art of compromise could be a help this week.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

This is very much a time to reach out for new opportunities, whether this involves travel, study or moving out of your comfort zone. Don't feel you have to do this alone though, as teaming up with friends or interested others can make progress all the swifter. The only thing that might hold you back is self-doubt. The Libra New Moon could push you to take a leap of faith Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

If you want to forge ahead with ambitious plans this week, you are being encouraged to make changes that can assist in this process. If you take one step forward, the cosmos will help you move several more steps along. Don't listen to so called friends who only want to criticize. You can do very well if you trust your instincts and sort out whatever is preventing a fresh start.