We can react easily enough this week, for with the Sun conjunct Uranus, our self worth or values can be at stake. But with Mercury and Mars drained by Neptune, fake news, gossip and dishonesty are also possible. So, the key is to be clear. Powerful little big guy Pluto also slams on the brakes. Ambitions can stall. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 22nd April 2019 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
While the Sun in your sign can bring clarity, you may need to keep your wits about you as Mercury continues to liaise with hazy Neptune. Although Mercury will turn direct this week, it is still not the best time to rush into commitments, so try to pace yourself. Venus's move into Pisces can help you to compassionately deal with a key situation and enhance romance too.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
As sweet Venus moves into your social sector, her presence can bring warmth and added enjoyment to informal events. And there is the possibility of a conversation or encounter that has something delightful about it. It could be an invite for a date or news that makes you smile. On another note, someone could be telling you the truth, but you might not want to hear it Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
If you can't make up your mind about an opportunity or career-related decision, then don't even try. A nebulous influence involving lively Mercury your ruler, can make it difficult to see how matters might pan out. From next week, as the planet of talk and thought gets back into its forward stride, things get easier. And with Mars in your sign, you'll be truly in your element.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
With a focus on your sector of far horizons and fresh adventures, you might yearn for a place that holds pleasant memories for you. Are your feelings about it strong enough to call you back though? If so, enjoy! Plus, an opportunity for a reunion might encourage you and another to keep in touch more regularly, while an unexpected invite could be a highlight and something to relish.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
While you may be ready for adventures galore, you might also have a mystery to solve, and it could take most of this week to get to the root of this. With Mercury slowing prior to turning direct and linking to impressionable Neptune, you may have to rely on your instincts to make any headway. Even so, your popularity on the social scene can increase as Mars enters Gemini.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You may not be in the mood to put up with those who are unreliable. And the Sun's presence in an intense zone, might inspire you to be firm if they seem to be wasting your time. As Mercury turns direct though, confusing situations can slowly be sorted out to your satisfaction. Looking for solutions to a partnership issue? Friendly Venus's move into Pisces can smooth things over.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
While a focus on your relationship zone can encourage you to be more direct with key people, it may be difficult when it comes to someone you see every day. It could be a co-worker or acquaintance, and it might be embarrassing to have to discuss a certain matter with them. As Venus your ruler enters Pisces though, your natural sensitivity and tact can make this easier.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Do you really know how someone feels about you? This week, talking might confuse rather than make things clearer. They may be perfectly sincere, and yet you could doubt their words. Be prepared for some sparkling insights around midweek though, as Venus aspects electric Uranus. You could spot something you never noticed before Scorpio, and this can help you know what to do next.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
This perhaps isn't the best week to organize work on your home or attempt a DIY job you've never tried before, as things may not go to plan. Wait until next week, when logical Mercury will have turned direct and ended its liaison with Neptune, as you will have much better results. Holding an impromptu get-together? It could bring you together with someone quite fascinating.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
A muddled blend of energies can see you reflecting on ideas that you sense aren't quite true. This isn't a good time to commit, as a plan might not be what it seems. Next week you should have more clarity though. You could make a new friend, as a sparkling encounter brings you together with someone who seems like a breath of fresh air and certainly worth getting to know.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Try to keep money matters simple, as there is less chance of losing out. As Mercury slows prior to turning direct this week, it also keeps pace with hazy Neptune, and hints that a bargain may not be all it seems. On an artistic note, you may be drawn to a vintage item for the home that is unexpectedly on offer. If it is something you have coveted and can afford, then do consider it.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
As Venus enters your sign, her presence can inspire you to enjoy social outings. As a result, an invite out-of-the-blue could be quite delightful, and might encourage you to engage with a certain person more often. Still, you may be baffled by someone's mood and find it hard to understand why they are behaving so. Don't try too hard Pisces, as this will probably be counterproductive.