Weekly Horoscopes 21st September 2020

This week sees the Autumn Equinox and the half way point in the astrological year and the passage of the Sun into the sign of Libra. So relationships, interactions and competitive situations take centre stage for a month. But Mercury Squares Pluto, and Mars continues to clash with Saturn, so finding balance will take care but the Sun's move will help. Later Mercury dives deep in Scorpio. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 21st September 2020 please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With Mercury in Libra and the Sun moving in early on, diplomacy may be in plentiful supply. But how long can you keep from speaking your mind if something or someone is really irking you. If you share your perspective in an honest but tactful way, then you could feel better. But failing that, don't hold your feelings in. Need to make something clear? Just tell them straight. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

The Sun moves into your lifestyle sector for four weeks, which means it's time for a re-set. If certain goals seem further away than ever, a new routine and some time management could help you be more successful. You might not see eye-to-eye with someone, and this can put a spanner in the works, unless you find a way to smooth things over and reach an agreement.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Your fun-loving ways may not be appreciated by someone who is taking something very seriously. As Mercury forges some awkward ties, you might realize you have your work cut out, and that getting this person to take a more reasonable perspective could be difficult. As the planet of talk and thought eases into Scorpio your mood will change, and this can swing it.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Need to get something off your chest? Don't beat about the bush, just come out with it. It may be tempting to disguise the truth in sweet talk, but then your message might not hit home. You can be kind, but don't be tempted to dilute your words as it won't help. As the Sun glides into Libra, use this chance to find the balance between work and relaxation, and revel in some relaxing self-care.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The theme for this week might be negotiation, but you may find that being too nice doesn't get you anywhere if someone isn't playing fair. As the Sun joins Mercury in harmonious Libra, you can be eager to keep discussions going, but things could get heated unless you're firm, yet diplomatic. Can you leave this until next week? You'll drive a much harder bargain if you do.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You may be seeking greater balance in your financial affairs, but could find it hard to resist an experience that is expensive, but to your mind so worth it. What is it about this that proves so tempting Virgo, if all it does is leave you worse off? The Sun's move into Libra might highlight the many reasons why it is better to keep your money in the bank, and instead invest it wisely.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

As the Sun glides into your sign, it can seem you are back in the driving seat and that you have control over your life again. Yet the days ahead might require your best people skills if you are to navigate through key conversations and find a solution that works for all. Others may seem intent on getting something for nothing, so stay calm, and your natural diplomacy will prevail.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You could get deeply involved in discussions or arguments, but Mercury's awkward angles are more of an encouragement to resolve something once and for all. With the planet of talk and thought in your psychological sector, some quiet reflection on the cause of this issue can easily sort it out. Ready to release emotional baggage? The coming weeks might prove very helpful.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

If you've been busy recently, the coming weeks can keep you on your toes in a different way, as the Sun joins lively Mercury in your social sector. This is an opportunity to move in new circles, link with groups and connect with kindred spirits. There could be some conflict with someone who doesn't share your values Archer, and yet this might add extra sizzle to a developing bond.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

As the Sun eases into your sector of goals and ambitions for the next four weeks, this is a great opportunity to network and expand your list of valuable connections. Yet there could be a few disagreements that might get quite intense. If you are determined to negotiate, a diplomatic approach can assist with this process and see you coming up trumps, despite any quibbles.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Don't believe you can do it? This could be an excellent week to take on a challenge and prove to yourself that you have the ability. While this may fly in the face of certain beliefs, the current star map encourages you to gently move out of your comfort zone and see what you can accomplish. As lively Mercury moves into your sector of ambition, who you know might count for a lot.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You may have good reason for disagreeing with someone, but with intense energies involved, this matter could become a channel for other pent-up emotions. If you find yourself compelled to answer back and say what you think, then it might have an impact on a friendship or other bond. Would you be better off without this person Pisces? If so, it can be time to turn over a new leaf.