Weekly Horoscopes 20th May 2019

The Sun and Mercury power into Gemini in tandem. This is super-enlivening link and can give us much greater desire to stretch our minds, and to interact with others. If you love technology, a new item may be in prospect. But Mars and Uranus are still connecting positively too, so some surprises impulses may show themselves. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 20th May 2019 please see below… 

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You may be keen to take your plans further, to make connections, gather information and get useful advice. As the Sun and lively Mercury move into Gemini, the coming weeks can see you eagerly moving in new circles and happy to let your curiosity lead the way. The weekend Quarter Moon though, suggests balancing intuition with logic to get the best results Aries. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You may find that people come out with the most interesting things, especially earlier in the week when an offhand comment could lead to an exciting discovery. At the same time, the focus shifts to your money zone, and might see you keen to make savings and locate bargains. The coming weeks can be helpful for reorganising finances and making savvy moves that can save you cash.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You'll be truly in your element as the Sun and thoughtful Mercury your ruler, move into your sign for the coming weeks. Any ideas that you have been dreaming up can now be taken off the backburner and turned into tangible goals. This can be a very life-affirming time for you Gemini, when allowing your curiosity free reign can pave the way for wonderful opportunities to emerge.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You are moving into a more reflective phase Cancer, which will last for some weeks, bringing a chance to tie up loose ends and do some psychic de-cluttering. If a situation is making you resentful or anxious, this is your chance to process through it and let it go once and for all. The Quarter Moon can encourage you to look to the bigger picture when making a key decision.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

It's likely all go as far as your social life is concerned, with the Sun and articulate Mercury moving into Gemini. The week ahead can see you becoming involved in team projects and other exciting plans. You may be excited to arrange a get-together of good friends, and this could be very successful. Listening to an intuitive nudge might help you accomplish a personal goal faster.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

It's your time to shine Virgo, as the Sun and logical Mercury light up a prominent sector of your chart. This is a chance to boldly showcase your best qualities and abilities. As you can have a modest streak, you may need encouragement, but when you see the benefits, you'll be happy to showcase your talents. Someone's advice may be very helpful regarding an ambitious project.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

If your focus has been on intense issues and a desire to see beneath the surface, your gaze may now be directed to far horizons, as the focus shifts to your sector of travel and adventure. If you feel the stirrings of wanderlust in your veins, then it may be time to book that vacation or perhaps a short romantic break. Time away could help you replenish your creative well Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

As the Sun and Mercury move into Gemini and your sector of transformation, the coming weeks can see changes occurring that may have been in the pipeline for a while. And it may be a conversation that kickstarts this shift and enables positive progress. Is your relationship going through a gear change? This weekend can be key for deciding where to go from here Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The coming weeks can see you busy with various interactions and social events, and perhaps with smoothing over any recent snags too. And it may be better to work as part of a team than to go solo, as you will be able to accomplish so much more. This weekend, it may be wise to get the family's consensus before finalizing a plan, especially if it's something that will benefit everyone.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Your successes are achieved by keeping to a daily schedule until you reach your goal. From today, you may become very clear on what needs to change so that you can make good progress on something important to you. It might mean jettisoning activities that don't currently contribute much to your life, but this can be a sacrifice worth making if you reach your target.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

A more dynamic phase is beginning from today, as the focus shifts to your sector of leisure, creativity and romance. If you have hobbies, this is a time to indulge and perhaps connect with others who share your interests. Want to promote your work? The cosmos encourages you to go ahead. Going on an outing or special occasion? Agreeing costs first can make life easier.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

As the focus shifts to your domestic zone, the coming weeks can be perfect for spending time with those you love and indulging in self-care. As the Sun and Mercury brighten up this sector, you may be keen to declutter and get your place shipshape. It is also a good influence for entertaining. Allow yourself a chance to unwind though, as it will be so very good for you.