Weekly Horoscopes 20th January 2020

The Sun powers into Aquarius on Tuesday, joining with Mercury. However this immediately triggers a tense square with Uranus, the planet of freedom. However, Mercury forges a fine link with go-getter Mars, so if we remain fully focused, and communicate well, there is so much to achieve. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 20th Jan 2020 please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The Sun's move into your social sector can bring a lighter and happier note your way. But get ready, as it also angles towards disruptive Uranus midweek, which could see you purchasing a membership a little too quickly and regretting it. Still, the New Moon can see you moving in new circles, relishing events and perhaps attracted to someone with an air of gentle mystery Aries. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

It's your time to shine, as the radiant sun in a prominent zone can inspire you to showcase your best skills and abilities. Don't do yourself a disservice though by rebelling against someone in authority, as it won't help your cause. A tactful approach is best, especially around the New Moon when you might need to ask for something. Romance can sizzle under the right conditions.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You may breathe a sigh of relief as the Sun leaves an intense zone and enters your sector of travel and adventure. And not before time, as recent weeks may have been rather intense in more ways than one. Ready to expand your options? You may be eager to move out of your comfort zone, but do avoid impulsive moves. Ready to forge ahead? A little charm can work wonders.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You may be ready to take a dive into deeper, more emotional waters, as the Sun enters an intense zone for a four week stay. This can be an opportunity to reflect and recharge, especially if recent events have taken their toll. Don't feel obliged to socialize if friends ply you with impromptu invites, as you might be better off enjoying a break and relishing new and sparkling encounters.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Your sector of relating lights up this week as the Sun moves in, encouraging co-operation and teamwork. This can be a great time to cement a partnership, whether business or otherwise, or to explore the potential in a collaboration. A lovely Venus Jupiter link can see you pooling ideas and resources with a view to making money or taking a deeper walk with a significant other.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

It's time to get back into your organizational stride, and get your routines sorted so they support your most exciting goals and plans. These could relate to your job, wellbeing or to other key activities, as regular input might see you making tremendous progress. Keen to get to know someone better? A warm-hearted Venus/Jupiter link can see you getting along very well indeed.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

After what can seem like an age of dealing with home and family affairs in some depth, you now get a chance to stick your head above the parapet and see what the rest of the world is up to. You could be able to indulge hobbies that leave you recharged and refreshed, as well as taking some time out to enjoy life. The weekend can find you entranced by someone's witty conversation.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You might welcome the peace and sanctity that comes with the Sun entering your family zone. This is your chance to enjoy some down time and pampering. Solo? A conversation could leave you eager to know more about someone. And if you meet again, there could be romantic potential. Regarding homely purchases, there are bargains if you know where to look Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The coming four weeks are an opportunity to connect with others on your wavelength. Plus, with a New Moon in your sector of communication on Friday, it's the perfect time to make a start on a project or to use social media for launching a business or service. You may be drawn to someone who has a very lively outlook, and feel you have met a kindred spirit who truly understands you.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The intensity you have been feeling can begin to ease just a little. And as the Sun enters your shopping zone, you may be ready to invest and splurge. Avoid impulsive purchases midweek though, as something you buy on the spur of the moment could fail to please. A sparkling Venus/Jupiter tie hints at a fortunate encounter with the potential for making a new friend.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Energy levels can begin to rise and confidence to bloom, as the Sun enters your sign for around a month. During this time, focus on those ideas and opportunities that bring you the most enjoyment. And with a New Moon too, use this chance to make a start on exciting plans and projects. Ready for a reunion? Someone from the past could make a reappearance Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You are entering a phase in which you may feel like withdrawing and taking more time out to unwind and recharge. This is also an opportunity to tie up loose ends and seek closure on issues that no longer serve Pisces. Keen to find peace of mind? The New Moon can inspire you to take up meditation or yoga. Plus, you could meet someone very special by moving in new circles.