This week's Total Solar Eclipse on Tuesday at 20.16 BST is a major event, and one which encourages us to actively find ways to reinforce our sense of security, by embracing the whole theme of nurture in our lives. Mars also arrives for a six week stay in Leo, which is a very bold, and dramatic location, followed by Venus gliding into Cancer on Wednesday. This combination points towards family gatherings and dinner parties for some, for others, a chance to enjoy the very cornerstone of their world, home and hearth. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 1st July 2019 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The week ahead shimmers with potential for a shift in your creative and romantic life. As feisty Mars enters Leo, you'll feel a surge of energy that can see you showcasing your talents and special skills. Positive beginnings on the domestic front may be very welcome, and something to embrace. But as Mercury goes into reverse, plans can be subject to unexpected changes.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You may receive news or an opportunity that gets you very excited. The Solar Eclipse in your sector of communication, hints that destiny may be playing its hand and encouraging you to seize this chance and run with it. And if you need to negotiate, then the presence of lovely Venus can help make this so much easier. Mind, with Mercury rewinding, extra care does need to be taken.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
If you have a message to get across, then you are unlikely to hold back, as fiery Mars enters your communication zone for a six week stay. Need to sell something? You'll likely do brilliantly. Finances may be ready for an overhaul too, as a potent lunar phase can see you keen to take things to a new level. Mercury your ruler will regress, so crossed wires with a sibling are possible.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If you've been dreaming and hoping for something in your life to change, this week can see you eager to grasp the helm and steer your ship in a new direction. The Solar Eclipse in your sign, is like a turbo-charged New Moon, that encourages you to let go of the past and embrace a new future. This can extend to money matters, where reorganization may yield positive results.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You'll be in your element as dynamic Mars moves into your sign for some weeks, encouraging you to make choices that reflect your full potential. If your voice has been quieter lately, it will now become a full-throated roar. A Solar Eclipse in a reflective area, encourages you to work on your inner game as this could help you make great strides once the Sun joins you later in the month.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
A powerful lunar phase could shake up your social scene, and perhaps see you eager to move in circles that reflect your latest interests. Doing so, could be a positive move forward for so many reasons. And with Venus moving in too, it becomes easier to make new friends or connect with a love interest. Mercury your ruler will rewind though, so expect some delays as you move ahead.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
This week can deliver a push that encourages you to embrace your destiny. The Total Solar Eclipse in a prominent zone, may bring news or an opportunity that gives you the confidence to take a bold step forward. As sweet Venus enters this zone, you'll have the charm to smooth over edgy issues and appeal to key people. And someone from the past could show up, and may be helpful to you.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Mars your fiery co-ruler, enters Leo and your sector of ambition, which could see you blazing a trail and accomplishing a lot over the coming weeks. At the same time, a new opportunity may beckon that takes you out of your comfort zone. Should you go for it? If it feels right, absolutely. As savvy Mercury rewinds though, don't be too quick to commit or make promises.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
As warrior Mars enters your zone of far horizons and angles harmoniously towards your sign, you may be on a roll and eager to sign up for new experiences. This is a great time to expand your reach and to travel. Deep-seated change may also be on the cards, as you might need to let something go to embrace a meaningful opportunity. Don't rush though Archer, take your time.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
A Solar Eclipse in your sector of relating, can encourage a fresh start in a key relationship. Maybe you are ready to take a romantic bond or business connection further. It could even seem that fate is intervening regarding certain encounters. Plus, you may be ready to let go of whatever no longer works for you and embrace new options. Honesty might be required though.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You'll have an opportunity to clear the air, as Mars powers into your relationship zone. And if something needs to be discussed, it will likely happen sooner rather than later. Even so, this is a good time for teamwork rather than going solo. Ready for a revolution in your lifestyle? The Solar Eclipse could inspire you to go ahead with plans you have been mulling over. Now look to action them.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
A surge of energy could see you eager to get on track with health routines, and to make changes to your schedule that reflect your goals and interests. You may note a determination to exercise and to make it a life-long habit. And you'll benefit from showcasing your skills, as someone may be very interested in what you do. Making a commitment? Don't ignore the small print.