With Jupiter and Pluto in tight alliance, and challenged by the incendiary frustration of Mars Retrograde, the Covid situation can look challenging. The Sun is also limited by Saturn, so constraints at each turn, but with the Sun powering into deep Scorpio on Thursday, solutions can come from digging deep within, and embracing the more spiritual and transformational parts of our situations. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 19th October 2020 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
This looks to be a busy week, when you can accomplish much with perseverance and attention to detail. Venus's alignment with Jupiter early on, could see a golden opportunity coming your way. Even so, don't try too hard Aries, as it might backfire. Do your best, and you stand a good chance. The Sun's move into Scorpio, brings powerful issues such as finances and business into focus.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With lovely Venus in your leisure zone you may be in a brighter mood, which can provide some relief if past weeks have been intense. Yet you could be deadly serious about a chance to expand your horizons and to make the most of an offer that might be beneficial for you. With your relationship sector coming into focus, communication and negotiation may be key Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You could experience disruption, as Mercury retro faces off with Uranus. Simplify your plans Gemini, and it may be easier to get back on track if there are any issues. There can be news of funding, a grant or other money, that assists you with a home-based project or gives a boost to the family coffers. Ready to succeed at a goal? Rearranging your routines might assist.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Someone may give you a compliment that leaves you confident, and eager to take a leap of faith. This and other positive ties, can find you making great strides and impressing the right people. There could be a disconnect with a friend or group due to a misunderstanding, so tread carefully and you might be able to salvage the situation. Ready to embark on a plan? Be mindful of the cost.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Have a bold idea? This week might find you eager to go for it, especially if you were held back due to various complications. Regarding a solid opportunity, a contract or job may not be the most exciting out there, but it can bring a sense of security. The more you pay attention to the details, the more chance you have. Avoid impulsive moves concerning a home or family issue.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Plans could stall, and it may be down to a disruption that comes out of the blue. With chatty Mercury rewinding, there might be delays to factor-in Virgo, so give yourself plenty of leeway. The Sun's move into Scorpio puts the spotlight on communication, admin and new opportunities. While this is a chance to close deals and negotiate, take your time and don't rush.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Private pleasures can act like a tonic, and get the week off to a positive start. If you and your partner want to do something special together, don't feel you have to invite everyone along, as it will be better if it's just the two of you. Mind, as the focus shifts to your financial zone, the coming four weeks might be a good time to pare back expenses and perhaps sell unwanted items.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
A friendly encounter could quickly become something more, with lovely Venus making some positive and intense aspects. You may realize just how valuable this association might be, and the many benefits that both of you stand to gain. No wonder you are ready to hold onto it. This is a stellar week in another way Scorpio, as the Sun enters your sign, giving a boost of energy.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
This could be an excellent week, when something you've worked hard for comes to fruition. Once you have made that commitment, you can feel safe in the knowledge that this may enhance your reputation and security. But there are also reasons not to rush, cut corners or promise too much, as this might backfire. Attend to the details, no matter how urgent this is Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Excellent progress can be made, as a chance to move in a new direction shows up that might suit you perfectly. Although there may be a learning curve involved, you could relish the challenge. Your social zone gets busier too, as the Sun moves in for a four week stay. An encounter with someone you once knew can surprise you, or even shake you up Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Any reticence could vanish early this week, as a feisty aspect encourages you to do something that seemed a step too far just recently. With Mars now forging ahead your confidence is back on track, and this can assist you should difficulties arise. Ready to forge ahead with a plan? The Quarter Moon in your sign is perfect for weighing things up and making any adjustments.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Friends and contacts you have only just met can be very supportive over coming days, which makes life so much easier. This is a great opportunity for liaising with others, or perhaps working on group or community projects. There is also potential for romance, and one encounter could sizzle with an intense passion. Ready to expand your horizons? A trip might prove very fruitful.