Weekly Horoscopes 18th May 2020

The Sun forges a fabulous link to Pluto as the week begins, which urges us to reconstruct and that can be with our resources or our internal development. The Sun then passes to Gemini, Mercury & Venus combine and a Gemini New Moon on the 22nd, all see a paridigm shift, a speeding up, a greater emphasis on communication and technologies. Mars also links very positively to Uranus, we can use our intellect with the Twins, but our hunches remain vital. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 18th May 2020 please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With the Sun gliding into Gemini and joining communicator Mercury, this ought to be a week when logic prevails. However, with nebulous influences affecting key interactions and conversations, it pays to be very careful. If you can avoid committing to anything, closing deals or signing on the dotted line, then do so. Mistakes may be made, so be very thorough, Aries. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Money matters may be to the fore, but it's the way you handle them that counts this week. Beware of beguiling influences that can see you signing up to a scheme that could see you losing out. With Venus in reverse, financial plans and interactions could be subject to delays. The New Moon encourages a fresh financial start, and an opportunity to take back control Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You may be firing on all cylinders once the Sun moves into your sign midweek, and yet when it comes to personal goals and career plans, you can be all at sea. You might be eager to make progress but could find it difficult to be clear on what you want to accomplish. The New Moon might inspire you to commence a new phase, but do so one step at a time for best results Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

As the focus shifts to your spiritual sector, this can be a time to tap into inner strengths and hidden resources. Mind, with Venus angling towards dreamy Neptune midweek and Mercury following suit a couple of days later, avoid being lured into ideologies or beliefs that could lead you astray. The Sun's angle to Saturn suggests keeping your feet firmly on the ground Cancer.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

There is a lot of activity in your social sector, including a New Moon towards the end of the week. While you may be keen to connect with those on your wavelength, some people might not be all they make out. Before you get too involved in a scheme or charity that involves your hard-earned money, check the details and don't be afraid to dig a little deeper to get to the truth.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The Sun's move into Gemini puts you firmly in the spotlight from midweek, giving you a chance to showcase your skills and abilities. But with nebulous energies around, be careful when liaising with others who could undermine your efforts. The New Moon suggests this is a good time to set your intention for success. But perhaps you should keep your ideas to yourself for now Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

This week brings the potential for a whole new phase to begin. Yet even if you are excited about something, you may have to hold fire and go at a slower pace. You may be very keen to expand and take on new challenges, but with aquatic Neptune linking to Venus and Mercury, be careful what you give your energy to. Research and test your ideas before you make a start.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Feelings can run deep concerning key issues, and yet there is a chance of mixed messages once you start talking. Key points can get lost in translation, leading to a misunderstanding or confusion. If you have business, financial or deeply personal feelings to discuss, then it helps to clarify things as much as possible. Don't leave anything to chance if you want to move forward.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Relationships become more of a priority, especially as the Sun moves into Gemini from midweek, casting a light on your most important bonds. What you feel about the situations you and others are involved with can be deeply subjective. Stepping back and being more objective might help you see matters much more clearly, and enable you to make much better decisions Sagittarius.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

As the Sun moves into your lifestyle sector for a four week stay, it also aligns with sobering Saturn which can be a good thing. There may be a lot of talk, and much of it might be exaggeration or spin, so you'll need to have a nose for the truth and stick with the facts. The New Moon could assist with work and financial developments that will likely need some time to mature.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Give your creative side free rein and you will be rewarded Aquarius. The Sun's move into your lifestyle sector may be a call to express more of your talents, especially those that have lain dormant. The New Moon can be perfect for kickstarting a plan that could have great potential. Go easy when costing out projects or handling money, as there is potential for mistakes.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The Sun's move into a secluded zone for four weeks can encourage you to consider your priorities, especially your goals and career plans. The New Moon in this same sector, may find you contemplating fresh ideas such as working from home or starting a small business. You'll need to be clear on what you want though Pisces, as this is the key to future success.