Weekly Horoscopes 17th June 2019

The Summer Solstice is followed by the Sun travelling in Cancer on Saturday. Here lays the North Node, or Point of Destiny continues to angle beautifully with Neptune, a really healing combination. Neptune does though go into a retrograde, one which will last until the 26th of November 2019. Venus and Jupiter do though share an opposition from Friday, suggesting some kind of friendly gathering, connection can uplift. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 17th June 2019 please see below… 

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You may have a yearning to get away from it all, especially if you are dealing with issues that are heavy going. If it seems you are being dealt a bad hand by someone in authority, then you might want to vent, but could instead turn feelings of frustration against yourself. Channeling this energy into getting a project off the ground or via exercise, can help you release it. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

The challenge is how to be honest about an issue without it descending into an argument, especially if feelings are upset. If emotions have been building, then handling this in a restrained way might not be easy. You could even be tempted to cut off completely from the person involved. Putting yourself in their shoes might help you empathize and assist with dialogue Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

If someone says no this week, then they mean it. Next week may be a different story altogether though. For now, it is not a good idea to push your luck, especially when dealing with business or financial matters. Even so, with the radiant Sun and Venus in your sign, you do have the ability to put a new spin on an idea and to sell it in a very credible way. Very soon it may be a yes!

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Intense aspects involving powerful Pluto could push your limits, especially around midweek, when an issue you're having with someone could come to a head. The last thing you may want is to talk with this person, especially if they seem not to be listening. However, as the Sun enters your sign on Friday and Neptune rewinds, key insights could bring just the answers you need.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Are you sabotaging your best interests? With an intense line-up, you may unconsciously channel anger in an unhelpful way. It is possible that you have very strong feelings about a co-worker, boss or about other issues at work. You likely need to talk about it, but before you do, it helps to focus that energy in a positive way to enable productive discussions and a solution.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

There is potential for a fall out with a friend, and unless you tread with care, it could end up causing difficulties. You may find it hard not to speak out about something that has got to you lately, and getting it out into the open is certainly better than holding it in. The question is how far do you go? If you can empathize at all Virgo, you may find a better way to deal with this.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

With a Full Moon in your sector of communication stoking the flames of a potential argument, something may be about to come to a head. It may be linked with your desire to move forward with an ambition, and the family's reluctance for you to go down this route. A delightful aspect this weekend can help you find equanimity, and could incline you to consider a compromise.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

With Mercury and Mars poised to oppose Pluto, it may take the utmost patience and mindfulness not to fall out with someone who riles you intensely. Matters could reach boiling point around midweek, and this might even be the end of this association, unless you can walk away and discuss this at another time. Feelings might have eased by then, so a solution could be found Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The Full Moon in your sign early on, may coincide with the end of a project and a chance to diversify or the opportunity to let go of a bad habit and replace it with a better one. You and another may not see eye-to-eye over a financial or business matter though, and this could fuel a negative response. Leaving talks until the weekend or after, could be an aid in sorting this out.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

A relationship could go through a difficult patch this week, whether it is romantic or otherwise. Feelings could reach a fever pitch, and trying to rationalize them away may not work. The Sun's move into your sector of relating later though, could be a force for healing if you can steer clear of heated conversations midweek. It's possible a positive shift could occur as a result of this.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

If you are holding a celebration or get-together at the time of the Full Moon, it could be a boisterous and delightful occasion, adding a note of optimism to the week. In addition, insights could encourage you to consider the wisdom of looking after yourself, and that includes processing through and releasing difficult emotions. Doing so can leave you lighter and happier.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

By making your feelings public, you may realize just how many others share your concerns, and this could be a revelation. On a more intense note, you and a friend or group might clash over a key matter that may split you apart. If you can avoid rocking the boat around midweek, there is a chance that you can work this out peacefully, and perhaps use it to your advantage.