Weekly Horoscopes 15th April 2019

The Sun clashes with Pluto as the week begins, before returning to Taurus on Saturday but before it does, in its last few degrees in the sign of the Ram it will start to connect with Uranus, now located back in Taurus itself. Something stuck may need to change, however much we resist it. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 15th April 2019 please see below… 

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The week ahead can see you really getting into your stride, as both lively Mercury and luscious Venus move into your sign. You'll be ready to take the initiative in both life and love, and could feel so much happier as a result. This week's Full Moon could be a chance to sort out any awkward relationship issues. Getting your feelings out into the open might help clear the air.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If you feel like indulging during the early part of the week, you could be tempted. A massage or other treat can leave you feeling revitalized and nurtured. With the Sun moving into your sign for a four week stay, this brings an opportunity to focus on what is best for you. If you feel a tad overwhelmed by the weekend, doing something you enjoy can act as a restorative.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

A generous gesture might benefit you more than you realize, and can bring a pleasant surprise, even if your reward shows up at a later date. As the focus shifts to your social sector, you may be keen to organize events and explore new social avenues. Even so, once the Sun moves into your reflective zone, the coming four weeks can be a time to find closure on a festering issue.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

The coming week might make you mindful of your goals and of how connecting with the right people can enable you to accomplish them. With Mercury and Venus moving into a prominent zone, those you mix with can either help or hinder. From the weekend, it's time to enliven your social life as the Taurus Sun encourages a proactive approach to getting out and about.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

If elements of your life have been intense of late, they can get lighter and easier over the days ahead, and this can inspire you to reach out and grasp golden opportunities. If emotions bubble up in response to the Libra Full Moon, look to pause for thought, and look to the facts to offset any impulsive decisions. A key influence hints you may feel renewed enthusiasm for a key goal.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You may have been busy with social interactions and meeting the needs of others, but from this week, a more determined focus can see you keen to get things moving. It's time to prioritize and let go of anything that may be holding you back. Even so, the Full Moon reveals you could be tempted to splurge on items that might soothe edgy feelings, but that can also prove expensive.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Sweet Venus's lovely tie with upbeat Jupiter, can be an opportunity to enjoy a special treat, so go ahead, as you deserve it Libra. This week, the focus shifts to relationships and to those key interactions that are a part of everyday life. With a Full Moon in your sign, feelings can greatly intensify though. Pausing first could help you avoid impulsive moves and remain calm.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Duty calls this week, as your work and lifestyle sector gains in importance, encouraging you to get moving on plans, to meet deadlines and get things organized. A potent lunar phase might encourage you to take a step back and review your work life balance if you have been rather too busy. From the weekend, your social life picks up and a key bond can begin to sparkle.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

If you have been busy with family matters, this week encourages you to get out more and explore activities to channel your energies. Sporting activities or more gentle exercises can be perfect if you enjoy them, and you may feel moved to join a group you can enjoy interacting with. The Sun's move into grounded Taurus, is a call to investigate any way to improve diet or wellbeing.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Follow any intuitive nudges, as they could help you make faster progress or provide a speedy solution to an issue. After a time of busyness and lively interaction, the emphasis shifts to homely activities and to spending time with the family. Getting the balance between this and your goals can be key though, setting you up for fulfilling and even happier times over the weeks ahead.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The week gets off to a pleasant start, with an enjoyable and upbeat social event setting the pace. The emphasis shifts to matters associated with networking and promoting your ideas or business Aquarius, which could bring positive improvements over coming weeks. Ready for some pampering and self-care? The Sun's move into your home zone encourages you to go for it.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Both expressive Mercury and sultry Venus leave your sign and move into your sector of resources. And with a Full Moon this week across your financial axis, money can flow in, but it can also go out again just as quickly, unless you're careful. Pleasingly, the Sun's move into Taurus connects him to Uranus, suggesting your mind can conjure up some imaginative new solutions.