The potency of Monday's Sagittarius Solar Eclipse will be felt for many months to come, and with Mercury and Mars in the mix, a speeding up of events is possible. Mind, there are some celestial gotchas, not least the Sun's 150 degree angle to stormy Uranus, and Mars' clash with Pluto. But…the arrival of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius signals a new dawn. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 14th December 2020 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Get ready for new adventures, with a Solar Eclipse encouraging you out of your comfort zone and preparing you for fresh opportunities. With sobering Saturn and jubilant Jupiter entering Aquarius, you'll also be keen to network and connect with others on your wavelength, and the benefits gained can be numerous. Your thinking though, will be down-to-earth Aries.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Ready for a new beginning? A lively Eclipse suggests you know what you want, and you are determined to get it. This is not a time for half measures, but an opportunity to embrace those goals that you've been dreaming about for some while. Let go of whatever no longer serves, and you'll find that over the coming months, you can go further than you ever have before.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
A relationship could go through a renaissance, as a potent lunar phase encourages you and a partner to take on new challenges and enjoy new experiences. Doing so can add to your relationship immeasurably. At the same time, you may have your sights set on opportunities that involve a learning curve. With Saturn and Jupiter entering Aquarius, anything is possible.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Something needs to shift, and you know it Cancer. The changes you desire could get underway as early as this week, starting with a powerful Eclipse that can inspire you to branch out into a new job, or a more liberating and interesting way of life. A more intense focus begins, as Saturn and Jupiter encourage you to let go of whatever no longer serves, and embrace new beginnings.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Ready to take a leap of faith? This week's star map is perfect for furthering a creative venture. You may have big ideas, and this is a great opportunity to set them in motion. Relationships become a powerhouse of possibility too, as key planets Saturn and Jupiter enter Aquarius for the long-term. It's time for co-operation and teamwork Leo, rather than trying to do everything solo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Whatever your idea of the perfect home may be, this week can find you excited by the potential for change, and looking forward to a fresh start. Whether you're considering a move or want to expand in other ways, this is a great opportunity to go for it. With work and lifestyle options undergoing a dynamic shift, it's time to find new and innovative ways to enhance your income.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Communication may be key to a whole host of opportunities. This week's Eclipse is perfect for initiating new projects, networking, studying and for starting an Internet business. Cutting-edge ideas can play a huge part in any creative endeavours, as key planets move into the innovative sign of Aquarius. Dating might be a serious matter too Libra, but your experiences could be uplifting.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You may be ready for a fresh financial start, and this week's Eclipse can deliver. Ready to become more adventurous with your money? With savvy and wise investment, you can do well. There might be major changes at home too, as Saturn and Jupiter move in. Opportunities for consolidation and expansion show up, but there is also potential for a move if you want this.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The Solar Eclipse in your sign can catapult you onto a new and exciting path, and one that might involve learning new skills. This could be very enjoyable though. The days ahead bring another shift, as your communication zone comes into focus. Writing, starting an online business and study may all appeal. With Venus in your sign, you'll be an attractive option Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
A powerful lunar phase in a private zone, can be a call to connect with a teacher or life coach who might help you tap into your full potential. If you feel like exploring meditation, yoga or other spiritual disciplines, this is the time to do so. Saturn your ruler enters your money zone along with Jupiter, so you may want to pare back expenses, but also to invest spare cash wisely.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Networking and socializing, both online and offline, can connect you with people who may have a beneficial influence on you. One encounter could seem fated, and might have more of an impact than you realize. This week, Saturn and Jupiter enter your sign for the long haul, which can find you serious but optimistic, about accomplishing goals that are dear to your heart, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Get ready to soar, as this week's Solar Eclipse in a prominent zone, can catapult you to the next level. If an opportunity comes your way, grab it and run, as it could be the making of you. As two major planets enter your spiritual sector for the long-term, this might be a chance for a deep dive that will assist in finding closure on key issues, and so face the future with confidence.