Another powerful week is in the celestial works with the Sun in Libra in conflict with Mars, Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter. With Mercury also slamming on the proverbial brakes, patience really is going to be a virtue. So, how do we navigate all this? Well it may be one of those times, that no amount of diplomacy seems to solve. But ultimately, reacting to provokation will only arm the aggravator. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 12th October 2020 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Hold onto your sense of perspective and allow plenty of leeway, as this could be something of a combative week, with the Sun forging angles to Mars, Pluto and Saturn. Reaching agreements can be an uphill struggle, and with Mercury rewinding and causing delays, this won't help. Even the New Moon is caught up in a compelling aspect, so be careful what you wish for Aries.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
There could be a tussle between what you feel you should do and what you actually want to do. If you end up arguing with yourself, the week ahead might not be so productive. The key may be to simplify everything to the best of your ability, and if you have complex decisions to make, to leave them for now. Clarity can be lacking concerning romantic decisions too, Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Intense feelings can mar the pace of a budding relationship, whether romantic or platonic, which could cause insecurity. While the New Moon is usually an opportunity for a fresh start, this week its tie to potent Pluto, might find you making decisions that may not be in your best interests. Mercury your ruler regresses too, so stay alert for mistakes and misunderstandings.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
You may feel like burying your head in the sand and keeping a low profile at home, rather than dealing with a host of issues that could seem to be the fault of others. But unless you engage, you can be left out of important decisions. With a New Moon in your home zone encouraging a fresh start, be sure that it is something you want Cancer, and not an idea that is pushed on you.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
This can be a week of intense conversations that need handling with care. While you could use tact and diplomacy, others may be prepared to push their point of view forward and ignore any sense of what is right and fair. With Mercury going into reverse, perhaps the best tactic is to walk away and stall a decision. Next week might be different, with a shift to the positive in this regard.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
As Jupiter aligns with Neptune, you may be keen to collaborate or make more of a commitment to someone, and feel good about doing so. But other interactions might not be so easy, especially if money is involved, and it is these that could cause some friction. Dreamy influences can also create confusion Virgo, so it pays to know exactly where you stand before you agree to anything.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
While you usually get along with most people, you may find it difficult to connect this week, as they might override your suggestions in their determination to get what they want. With Mercury entering its retro phase and hazy Neptune in the mix, the potential for misunderstanding is there. Use the New Moon in your sign to turn things around Libra, by firmly sticking to your agenda.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You may be ready to turn your back on certain projects, especially this week, when a disagreement could mar progress and leave you wondering what to do next. The Sun in a private zone hints at detaching from such matters and relishing some quiet time. This might mean a walk in nature or other relaxing activities that help you see things in perspective, and so make wiser choices.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
There could be differences of opinion with those you socialize with or regarding a team project, making it hard to agree on the best way forward. Values and money can be involved, and this might lead to tensions and strong reactions. Compelling influences suggest power struggles too Archer, and yet the New Moon may offer a way forward, if you are prepared to give some leeway.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Dealing with someone in authority may not be the easiest of tasks, as the Sun in your sector of ambition opposes Mars and angles towards Pluto and Saturn in your sign. You might have objections, which can cause a breakdown in communication. With other confusing energies in the mix, waiting could be the key, as next week may be more amenable, making it easier to negotiate.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Awkward aspects suggest that you could experience a running battle with yourself about whether to go ahead with something. The intensity of your feelings might be enough for you to put a stop to it, even though going ahead may benefit you greatly. Talking to someone who can see this issue from a wide-angled viewpoint could inspire a change-of-heart and renewed determination.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Your instinct can be to steer clear of problems if they are linked with committees, team projects or anything else that requires you to interact with others. If a bad feeling has been building, this could come to a head, and might be the reason you decide to quit. In fact, the New Moon and its awkward angle to Pluto, hints that once you make up your mind, there may be no going back.