Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Weekly Horoscopes 10th February 2020

On this Valentine's week, Venus, the planet of love and romance combines with Chiron, the wounded healer. But with Mercury in its shadow phase before going retrograde next week, only revive an old relationship if lessons have been learned by both people. Mind, Mercury does forge a fine link with the Point of Destiny on Monday and Tuesday, so important not to ignore our most profound hunches. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 10th February 2020 please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

This looks to be a buoyant week, with the Sun in your social sector and lovely Venus in your sign. As she aligns with healer Chiron in Aries, this can be an opportunity to resolve an issue that may have caused you to feel awkward. Keen to forge ahead with key goals? On Sunday Mars moves into Capricorn, which can motivate you to get started and remain persistent to the end. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If an experience seems to bring up difficult feelings, it may be down to Venus's merger with a sensitive point. Take time out to reflect, as any insights could bring a sense of relief. With a Quarter Moon on the cards, it helps to tie up loose ends so that a project can reach a successful conclusion. Eager to travel? As Mars enters your sector of far horizons, exciting times lie ahead.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Lively Mercury your ruler slows down this week prior to turning retrograde over the weekend. Bearing this in mind, take extra care when making key decisions or closing deals, and know that even if you sign an agreement, things could still change. Financial and business matters may become more of a priority as a potent influence encourages you to take a bold step forward.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Wondering about someone in authority? If their attitude seemed abrupt, it may have little to do with you and more to do with any issues they are going through. But with tactful Venus moving through a prominent sector Cancer, a little charm can go a long way. Relationships get a boost as dynamic Mars moves in stirring things up and paving the way for some lively opportunities.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

With the Sun in your sector of relating, it's a good time for teamwork and for spending quality time with your partner. This week's Quarter Moon can be a call to make sure everyone agrees on a plan, especially if it links to home and family affairs. All on the same page? Then it can go swimmingly. Take care around financial affairs though, as Mercury will rewind from this week.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

It is just as well to watch out for mixed messages, as thoughtful Mercury goes into reverse from the weekend in your sector of relating. Need to discuss something? Be sure that others fully understand what is going on. And as potent Mars leaves your home zone and enters your leisure sector, it's time to kick back and enjoy yourself. Romantic bonds may have extra sparkle Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Need reassurance? As sweet Venus aligns with sensitive Chiron in your relationship zone, you may wonder how someone really feels about you. If you can talk this over it could clarify things for you. Hopeful? With a potent Quarter Moon this weekend, you may wonder about the potential cost to you of a budding romance. If you have reservations, then take things slowly Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

There could be some confusion as Mercury slows prior to regressing. As it does so in your sector of creativity and romance, be careful what you promise, as events could conspire to upset your best laid plans. In addition, a powerful lunar phase hints you may have a different perspective to others concerning a key issue. With discussion though Scorpio, things can slowly move forward.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Reflecting on a budding romance? A sensitive aspect could find you overthinking this relationship and whether it will work or not. Relax Archer, and allow things to follow their natural course. Also, with red-hot Mars moving into Capricorn and your money zone for some weeks, this can be a good time to enhance your current income and ramp-up spending power.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Sensitive issues may be raised at home, and if so, the presence of tactful Venus can help sort them out and smooth over any difficulties. If you need to discuss something awkward, a diplomatic approach will help. Ready to get started on an ambitious goal? Warrior Mars powers into your sign from the weekend for a six week stay, giving you the energy to forge ahead.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Have something to say to someone? Rather than be too honest, it's best to adopt a thoughtful approach. Doing so can make the difference between finding a solution or making things more awkward. And with a Quarter Moon in a prominent zone, it helps to be honest if a goal no longer inspires you Aquarius. It may be that with a change of tack your whole attitude will change.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

As Mercury slows down prior to turning retrograde at the weekend, there can be a tendency for confusion despite your attempts at clarity. Whether you're arranging a date, key event or an appointment, make sure everyone agrees on the day and time. Your social life could continue to be busy as Mars enters Capricorn for a six week stay, ramping up the pace even more Pisces.

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