Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Weekly Astrology Video WC 16th September 2024 + All Signs…

The week begins with a highly charged T Square between Mars and the Lunar Nodes.

• We may feel that we have to take action quickly on something important to our personal destiny.

• With the first in a new Eclipse Series too, this is certainly a powerful week.

• With the Sun also angling positively to Uranus, and which feeds into the Pisces lunation, we can experience a greater sense of urgency. But hurried communications are unlikely to be helpful, so we need to stay tuned to our inner voices.

• As Venus clashes with Pluto at the week’s end, diplomacy could prove futile if someone is determined to prevail.

For your in-depth Weekly Horoscope Forecast for each sign please Click/Tap here for your Deep Dive Video and Zodiac Forecasts for each sign…