Weekly Horoscopes 9th January 2017

All week the Sun squares with Uranus. This can create a great deal of restlessness accentuated by Thursday's Full Moon. This is a very important Full Moon as it is part of a Grand Cardinal Cross. Patience will be important and with Venus combining with Neptune, keeping our expectations real will be helpful too. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 9th January 2017 please see below… 

Weekly Horoscopes 9th January 2017

Aries 21 March – 20 April

This week sees a tremendously powerful Full Moon, which can define your interactions with the world at large or around your career, for some time to come. Your desire for recognition and to be true to your unique individuality is at stake here. But with Venus combining with Neptune, you must be clear minded about your moves, and especially around family or a close relationship. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

The desire to change elements of your world can continue to be very strong, or you may find yourself resisting strongly any sense of restlessness, due to a preference to stick with what you already know. You might encounter someone who believes strongly you should make a change. If so, is it your own inner dynamic calling out to them? Single? Someone could prove elusive.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

There are tremendous opportunities to work closely with others. However, for you it's going to be important that your personal identity does not get submerged in such close alliances. Your innovative ideas can prove very compelling, particularly around the time of the Full Moon, but avoid high risk or high cost strands. Someone else's fortune could also help your situation too.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

The Full Moon in your sign this week is probably one of the most important for some time, and especially as far as your relationships are concerned. Be it at a personal level within the family or professionally your expectations can be really quite high, but if things are not as you hope, try to avoid defensive or sudden moves. And later in the week, dialogue can improve.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

With Venus combining with Neptune all week, there is the potential for a magical connection with one person. Mind, with your mental energies continuing to be stimulated, the trick is going to be in deploying your plans in a workable manner. It is going to be important not to scatter yourself too thinly and to look to direct any energy you have in as focused a way possible.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

There are going to be lots of exciting options for you this week Virgo, and you may even find yourself being rather mesmerised by someone you encounter. What could prove trickier however, is controlling an urge to splash out money in a more impulsive way. If you're wanting to stay strictly inside your budget, why not identify some affordable treats to create a balance?

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Any issues that have been simmering on the back-burner for some while can come bubbling to the surface this week in quite a forceful way. A complex set of planetary influences, and at one level, call out to you to be sacrificing, as is possible to others. At another you're prompted to do your own thing and be more rebellious. Balancing all this can prove rather challenging.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Even if you don't see yourself as being a naturally creative person, this can be a week when you can demonstrate great artistry in the things you embrace. Your romantic imagination could also be strongly aroused by the combination between Venus and Neptune. To make progress, as ever, communication is going to be the key, and yours can be passionate and to the point too.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Whilst the emphasis is often placed on the more material plane these days, your ruler Jupiter is all about a more philosophical view of the world, and you may find that your values or outlook can go through something of a shift over the next couple of weeks. Some sensitive emotional or family based issues may inform this, as well as some sparkling new insights.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

With the lunation in your opposite sign, you're being asked to stay attuned to how people view you and your approach to situations. Time taken to explain things thoughtfully can work well for you, but then there can be another side of you where you can find yourself outspoken if it seems other people are unable or unwilling to understand where you're really coming from.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Kindness can be exchanged in all different ways, some unexpected gestures, thoughtful notes or text messages, or generous gifts. Something like this, this week, can come from or to you. However, there is also the potential for rather raw situations to burst more into the open. With Uranus and Jupiter continuing their opposition, you may not hold back your unique take.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

A quite beautiful link between Venus and Neptune in your sign is going to create a kind of shimmering aura around you which could attract something or someone to you. If you're someone with a more spiritual approach to things, some very special moments can light up this week. Social possibilities can also come out of the blue, but may require immediate expenditure.