Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Weekly Horoscopes 8th November 2021

The Sun forges a quite beautiful, and healing activating link to gentle Neptune this week, so if we are prepared to reach into this, there is lot to gain. We can also be active around business, finance or shared resources, as Mercury and Mars align in Scorpio. Yet with Saturn in aspect to both, rushing longer term decisions may not be helpful. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 8th November 2021 please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You'll want to get down to business, but could suffer a setback due to a clash of opinion. It may be difficult to find a way forward with key planets at odds with each other. If you can agree to disagree Aries, this might be your best option. On a spiritual note, a Sun/Neptune link could inspire you to tap into inner resources, such as deep strength, resourcefulness and intuition. {copytag:[599]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

The energies are intense, and others are not likely to let you off the hook, Taurus. If you've promised something, it's wise to stick to your word, otherwise you'll never hear the end of it. The Quarter Moon in Aquarius, can be a call to rally others around you and to encourage a team spirit. Mind, a dreamy angle could bring out the romantic in you, in time for a lovely weekend.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

No matter how big your to-do list, you'll find it easier to concentrate and give important matters the attention they deserve. It may be other people that cause distractions though Gemini, and if so, you'll need to let them know this is not okay. You'll have to assert yourself with people who could try to overstep your boundaries. Being kind of heart might cost you. Be nice, but firm.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Your magnetic qualities are on show, and if you're keen to get back into the dating loop, you'll find it easier to draw that special person to you. What could stop you is a relationship that may have ended, but is still influencing you. Resolving this can pave the way for a new bond that sparkles with promise. The end of the week is very romantic, whatever your relationship status.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Getting someone to agree to an idea of yours may not be easy. Midweek could be awkward, with an edgy blend of energies creating a deadlock. You might need to use all your powers of persuasion to create a compromise. If you can make them aware of what's in it for them, then there may be hope. Over the weekend, your independent spirit might need some time out, Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Events may get in the way of you accomplishing something important, Virgo. And to get over this you might need to be a lot more flexible. If you have set ideas in mind, being ready to adjust to circumstances could make life a lot easier. Otherwise, nothing much will get done. Plus, the Sun's easy-going angle with Neptune hints at a plan or scheme that sounds great. Is it though?

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Your desire for something or someone could be strong, and yet you may need to jump through hoops to get anywhere. Obstacles might show up which can cause a lot of frustration, so you may need to be very patient. There is a chance you might not get the satisfaction you seek. When it comes to helping others though, you could be a real beacon of light in the darkness, Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

No matter how badly you want to resolve something, it might not happen this week. There seems to be too many reasons for others to disagree. You may be facing dissension on all fronts, and yet all is not lost, Scorpio. You might be able to bring people around by giving them a little bit of leeway. If you can manage this, you've nailed it. The weekend looks good for a special date.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The memory of a past hurt or argument could make it difficult to give someone a second chance. With intense energies showing up, it may not be easy to forgive and forget. And yet this is what you will need to do if things are to move forward. If there are more reasons to want to make up with this person than keep them out in the cold, reaching out might resolve many issues, Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Today's Quarter Moon in your sector of resources, could highlight values and how to reconcile them with a developing social dilemma. You may be keen to join a group or deepen a friendship, but some of their thinking might clash with your own. Which means you're likely having second thoughts. Another encounter can be delightful though, and one you could fully embrace.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Try not to give yourself too hard a time this week, Aquarius. It may be that you're trying to please everyone and getting nowhere. And this could add to any pressure you're under. Things might get very awkward around midweek, when you'll realize that something needs to give. What works best for you? Don't feel guilty for putting yourself first, no matter what others say.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

It's time to move beyond limitations that have been holding you back. They may be down to past experience, but something needs to shift. This is a time for moving forward, being adventurous and exploring fresh opportunities. And this might have shown up now because you're contemplating a big leap forward. A major insight or revelation could soon free you of this.