This week sees the Moon's North Node, or Dragons Head, return to Leo after a nineteen month journey through Virgo. More pleasurable and playful strands call out to us all. If our lives have become too mudane it is now time inject more fun. With Mars also forging a fine link to Jupiter, we can fire up our self belief. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 8th May 2017 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
This can be a week of terrific progress, as long as you keep very much abreast of the small print. Why? Well, not everything you read or even hear this week is necessarily going to be true. If you can stick to your own single minded vision of things however, huge steps can be taken. In fact, you can almost feel unstoppable. On this kind of form, almost anything is possible. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
It's said that you do not relish changes in your life. But this week you could surprise people, even amaze them, by how single-minded you can be in grappling with a new and exciting strand in your situation. With the Full Moon also emerging in your sector of relating, there really can be a sense of freshness around one involvement. However, money and friends do not mix so well.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Mars in your zodiac sign, gives you tremendous power potential and drive. But you could be forgiven this week for thinking that something has gone awry with the heavens, or at least their influences. Not so! It's simply that Mars is being tempered by the blurry energies of Neptune, and some of your hopes and wishes could get bogged down in vague doubts and uncertainties.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The Full Moon this week offers a wonderful opportunity to supercharge your involvements, especially with someone who shares an interest, hope, aspiration or key principle with you. By binding together as one, an enormous opportunity is presented to be dynamic and resourceful. Mind, a swirling psychological issue from your past could battle for your attention too.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
A truly amazing event unfolds when the North Node or Dragon's Head as it is known, enters your zodiac sign in its reverse motion for an eighteen month stay. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to initiate a new period of creativity and individuality. Your life is going to become less about more earthy, everyday considerations, and more about what makes your heart soar.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
If you are applying for any jobs, attending interviews or hoping to raise your profile, your hopes can be high. To make the maximum impact it is going to be very important to choose what you say carefully and to come across with clarity. With Neptune in your sector of relationships, creating a swirling mist in its right angle to the planet of ambition Mars, be as erudite as possible.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
There may well be part of you that wants to break out and be freer of more intense and restrictive situations. The Full Moon can force some of these into the open, and it may be linked to property, or even where or who you live with. However, whatever decisions that you make, it's going to be very important to make sure that you have a clear grasp of the details Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The Full Moon in your zodiac sign forges a fine link with Pluto. This combination suggests that a conversation can prove to be somewhat fated this week, either in terms of its impact on you at a personal level or in terms of a close relationship. With such a lot of restless energy also buzzing around the heavens, your senses can also be turned up to max. Do listen to your intuition.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Mercury continues its sparkling link with the planet of surprises, Uranus. You are unlikely to be lacking in imagination or inspiration when it comes to some new, rather novel approaches. But the full Moon is asking you to also stay sensitive of the more emotional issues that affect your energy and overall sense of well-being. A close relationship may also seem a little muddled.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Whatever you are involved in at this time, be it more socially, creatively or professionally, you are going to need to feel really engaged and at the heart of things, otherwise your attention span may drift. If you are feeling that you can directly influence things, the link between the Sun and Pluto in your sign, can see you make some significant progress towards your goals.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The inner planets of Mercury, Venus and Mars are all located in positive places. However, Mars is caught up in a potentially befuddling angle with Neptune, so when it comes to your expenditure you'll need to be very clear minded about why you choose to spend out and what you'll gain. This can though be a week of exciting developments in your social or romantic world.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Someone close to you may feel that some of your expectations are a little bit unrealistic. They may even seem to pour the proverbial cold water over your ideas. Try not to be deflected by this for if you're really single-minded, this can be a week when your communications are supercharged, not just at an intellectual, but also a more intuitive level, and see you flourish Pisces.