Weekly Horoscopes 8th February 2016

There may be a New Moon in Aquarius as the week begins, but it clashes badly with the powerful influence of Mars. For more and your FREE Weekly Horoscope 8th February 2016 please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes 8th February 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Your ambitions can soar this week Aries, but this is going to take a certain amount of time management and personal discipline, to truly capitalise upon. You simply cannot be too idealistic about friendships and group involvements or long-term hopes. If you are resolutely businesslike however, you really could make a serious impression upon others. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

The New Moon at the start of the week, forges a potentially testing right angle to Mars in your sector of relating. If you're really keen to push yourself towards decision-makers, you need to be sure that they don't see you as being a rather threatening energy. Something can also erupt into the open around a closer relationship which can surprise.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The trick this week is to not try too hard. Sometimes this is easier said than done. After all it's better to do this, than approach things in a half hearted way. Finding the right balance is going to be one of the tricks of this week. The secret is going to lie in concentrating on a narrow range of important strands, and galvanising yourself upon these alone.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

If you're involved in quite a feisty love or professional relationship, sparks can fly even more this week and some intense energies can be exchanged. Yet with the right person, you could forge a fantastic bond, whether it's around a shared interest, a partnership or in a romantic attraction. In these cases, things can be very progressive.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

If you need to interact with anyone around a home improvement scheme, you might need to brace yourself for a certain amount of friction. A contractor may not prove reliable or see things in a different way to you. In a love relationship, things can also be unsettled early in the week. But a fairer share of domestic chores, can lead to greater home harmony.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Your ruler Mercury combines with Jupiter in your sign, all week. Despite the latter's retrograde, this combination gives you a tremendous amount of ingenuity, and desire to be creative. In fact, your willpower in the first half of this week can be absolutely awesome. The trick is going to be in how you deploy your energies. Don't scatter yourself too thinly, Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

It's a rare Libra that doesn't love the odd tasteful bit of luxury. And you may find yourself rather more impulsive this week on the back of the New Moon's combination with the planet of desire, Mars. Yet you can also make some significant connections. The armchair psychologist within you can help you unlock some of life's or your own deepest mysteries.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Every Zodiac sign has a personal planet, yours has two, and they're both going to be very much to the fore this week. If you handle this well, there is a terrific opportunity to invigorate your life direction, interests, and even everyday conversation. Mind, your desire to have your voice heard, should not override an awareness to your more emotional needs.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Someone could confront you with some rather harsh realities this week Sagittarius, and you mightn't find it very pleasant at all. Just remind yourself that you can often be the person being plainly blunt to others. Try to hear any comments or criticisms without reacting. Past skills and experiences can though see you make a significant financial breakthrough.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The leadership side of your personality can really shine through this week, and whether this is going to show itself at work or amongst your friends and interests, is down to your specific situation. Even if you're someone who generally finds new beginnings or changes tricky, your appetite for them now can be almost extraordinary. Surf this with relish.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The New Moon in your sign on Monday, gives you the green light to think big and to reach for the stars. Its right angle to Mars, can give you a significant amount of extra self assurance. Just be mindful there is a thin line between this, and seeming to be overbearing. Your thinking generally, becomes even more outgoing as the week draws to a close.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Try to keep a sense of perspective at the start of this week. Something can take on a life of its own, which could quickly overwhelm you – if you let it. But there's such a lot of good energy pulsating around the heavens, you really don't want to get sidetracked. Key associations, alliances, and even one potential partnership can truly sparkle, Pisces.