Pluto may be the smallest planet in our solar system, but he is highly influential this week. Why? Well, he forges a very positive angle to the Sun but a much more challenging one to Pluto. Evolution is entirely possible this week therefore, but pushing too hard could prove counter-productive. We need to under-promise and over-deliver. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 6th March 2017 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Mars your ruling planet is set to leave your zodiac sign this week, moving into the part of your 'scope for the next six weeks that is very much to do with your resources and appreciation of the good things in life. However, with Jupiter squaring with Pluto, dealing with anyone influential can benefit from a lighter and more diplomatic touch. Let your inner voice guide you. {copytag:[611]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
If you have felt that your mood has been a little bit up and down of late, the arrival of the feisty energies of Mars in your own Zodiac sign for the next six weeks, is a wonderful opportunity to get back onto the front foot. A lot of your energy may have been taken up with friendships and social interactions. Now you will want to focus down on what's really essential to you.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Your desire for the success and achievement around your key talents is going to be really high this week. Yet, with your ruler Mercury squaring up with the more pragmatic energies of Saturn, it's probably best not to try too hard. Even unwittingly by trying to push things on too robustly, it could arouse a degree of unhelpful resistance, so cultivate goodwill where possible.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The desire to regenerate your existence in a more varied and stimulating way, continues apace. Yet, with Jupiter clashing with Pluto, we are all going to have to modify some of our key demands if we are to keep the wider part of our existence in balance. Fortunately, as Mars powers into your sector of friendships, your future prospects can soon be re-clarified Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
When you are on top form, without doubt, you can be one of the most charismatic and self-confident members of the zodiac. And the arrival of the assertive energies of Mars at the very top of your solar horoscope, for a six week stay, can only help this. But an issue that came up through November¬ and early December of last year may well need tackling again, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The desire side of your nature is going to be aroused this week Virgo, and anything from calorific goodies to some full on retail therapy, could appeal to you. But it's also going to be important to understand how you're feeling about key relationships. If one seems out of kilter, it's much more likely that you will be feeling restless, and the end of the week could be a pinch point.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
With your guide planet Venus now tracking backwards, along with Jupiter in your own sign, it's possible that you could interpret some of the signals that life is giving you in a less favourable way. The truth is, that not everything will necessarily go exactly as you hope, so continue to do your level best, but at the same time, slowly but surely assert stronger boundaries.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
It would be easy to blurt something out this week, in an apparent belief that it would be a good thing to give someone the benefit of your wisdom, or in a more defensive way. It could feel at times, that others are not appreciating your position or the financial implications of it. But actually, as the week goes on, as long as you can be diplomatic, others can become more appreciative.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Your ruler Jupiter repeats an intense angle to the planet of transformation Pluto, which occurred late last year. Because of this, try to avoid taking any shortcuts as far as finances, business interactions or your core values are concerned. A home or emotional issue, could drive some reactive energy from you, so instead look to rebalance your own inner energies, Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The tiny but influential power broker of the zodiac, Pluto, entered Capricorn in late 2008. He will remain with you until 2023. Think back over those last seven years, this has probably seen great changes in your situation and this week he asks you not to try too hard professionally. You can though be joyful about the arrival of energy planet Mars, in his most positive location.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
For the last month, your word power has been absolutely awesome, but with Venus now retracing her steps, greater care will be needed by us all when it comes to relating to loved ones or anyone new we meet. You could also encounter some subtle resistance to any plans you have to widen your sphere of activity. Look to carefully balance your financial situation too, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You may encounter someone this week who believes that you have been overly focused on your own situation and motivations. You know however, that there are bigger reasons for this, but getting them to understand these may prove trickier as the week draws to a close. It's also going to be important to have realistic expectations about long-term or close involvements.