Mercury goes forward, Mars moves into the precise energies of Virgo and there is a dreamy Full Moon. With the Sun in opposition with Neptune it is going to be important to make sure we get the details of situations firmly tied down and clear. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 4th September 2017 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Your energy can increase as this week begins, as your ruler powers his way into the most practical part of your situation. If you want to make some career moves this can be a time when you can be more assured. However, the Full Moon could start to undermine your sense of purpose if you let it. Be determined to be utterly single-minded. A delayed social event can now take place.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
A fabulous alliance between the Sun and Pluto is urging you to want to demonstrate to people just how talented and creative you can be. If higher education is something you've often pondered, this could be a fine time to actually sign up for a course. A mix-up in the family or around a domestic matter can be unpicked. Your social life could also be powerfully rekindled, Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Your ruling planet starts to go forwards. Generally, it can feel that things are starting to flow more positively for you. Any changes you've wanted to make to your home can also start to circulate in your thinking. This may include inviting contractors to provide quotes or moving altogether. Some kind of significant shift at the very base of your existence is entirely possible.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
A conversation you have this week can give you a tremendous amount of motivation. It's possible that someone is going to share your passion or vision around the situation, and you may even be able to forge some kind of key alliance. You are also going to want to feel much more active now. Look to get on the move and up the amount of things you can do to stimulate your system.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Mercury in your sign goes into direct motion, and by the end of this week will move on. If a project has been stop-start, this is a sign that things will begin to gain traction, although perhaps in a slightly different way from what you wanted previously. With Mars also influential, your desire to improve your lot or to just feel better about your own self-value and worth are going to be ramped-up.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
With Mars entering your sign and your ruler going direct and joining you at the end of this week, you can have every expectation that things can start to fizz, and they can, but you do need to be conscious that the Full Moon on the 6th could create some distortion to relationships or interactions with others in your solar horoscope. The key is to be realistic in your expectations and also be clear in all you say.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If a friend has seemed preoccupied recently, there's a good chance they can be in touch this week. Then again, you may find yourself invited to a reunion in the weeks to come, or see an old face turn up in your life once more. This is a week when you perhaps will need to balance your desire to help others with making sure that your everyday needs are met satisfactorily.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Work niggles can now be unravelled to your satisfaction, and this is going to free you up to embrace your social situation much more. There could be someone in your circle who does have something of a crush on you, one which they may not necessarily tell you about, but do look out for the signals. Any creative project can benefit from you putting in lots of emotional energy Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Your ambitions sector is given a huge boost as Mars storms in for a six week stay. This is going to give you a great deal more determination and self-confidence, and a desire to raise your profile. People in positions of influence can become much more aware of what talents you have to share. However, do stay mindful of your more emotional needs, and to maintaining domestic order.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Pluto in your sign angles magnificently to the Sun. If there's something that you really want to shake up and change, this combination can give you real drive and momentum. However, these changes don't necessarily have to be physical, they can work at an inner level too. If you are going to be doing any negotiations this week, record everything very precisely Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Has there been a misunderstanding with a friend or a partner? With Mercury starting to go forwards, your gift of objectivity will help you to unravel this swiftly. What could prove more challenging is creating clarity around financial situations. You could find yourself in the grip of a compulsion to splash out, which is out of character. Someone you're drawn to can have a mysterious vibe.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The Full Moon in your zodiac sign can make you acutely aware of your relationships. With Mars also making his way into your sector of interactions, if you feel that others are not respecting your boundaries, you can become more assertive. Then again, you may need some time to clarify some emotional strands in your own situation. Give yourself the permission to do this Pisces.