Weekly Horoscopes 3rd April 2023

The Libra Full Pink Moon this week, gives us an opportunity to reflect on our relationships. But with so much interaction between the signs of Taurus and Pisces, our core values, and emotional wellbeing are to the fore too. And these themes can inform how we feel about the people we are closest to. For your in-depth Weekly Horoscope Forecast for WC 3rd April 2023 for each sign, please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With the Sun and upbeat Jupiter in your sign, you're still on a roll. You'll also be keen to resolve a financial issue that may have been bugging you for a while. Mercury's aspects this week, encourage you to overcome your fears and take the plunge. The sooner you make a start, the better you'll feel. Plus, the Libra Full Moon brings an opportunity for a special reunion, Aries. {copytag:[827]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Mercury moves into your sign this week, and forges an angle with potent Pluto. You may be in two minds about an opportunity that promises much, but requires quite a commitment from you. Get the facts, but trust your instincts too, Taurus. Feeling overwhelmed at work? Strengthening your boundaries and learning to say “no” can help. Plus, yoga or meditation could reduce stress.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Lively Mercury squares off with powerbroker Pluto, which could bring on a crisis of belief, making it difficult to trust yourself. Your thoughts may be holding you to ransom, and this might be the reason you're reluctant to take a fabulous offer more seriously. Your friends have your back Gemini, and will boost your confidence, especially if you're uncertain of what to do next.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

How far should you trust someone? You may be reluctant to reveal anything personal, until you're certain they won't use it against you. A friendship that begins on this note might not get very far, but another connection you make this week could feel instantly right, and something you're keen to pursue. Careerwise, it's essential to get your work/life balance sorted out.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Someone may try to stop you from taking advantage of an opportunity. A manipulative angle suggests they'll try all kinds of tricks to prevent you from moving forward, and doing what feels best for you. You need to nip this in the bud Leo, otherwise it could be an ongoing issue. The Libra Full Moon brings a chance to sort this out as tactfully and diplomatically as you can.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

As Mercury enters Taurus, it may inspire you to invest in an opportunity that contributes to your future. And yet if you really want to get ahead, you'll need to let go of something that you're attached to. This week's Full Moon can highlight this situation, and bring you the clarity needed to make the best decision. You can either stick with what you know or take that leap of faith.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

This week's Full Moon in your sign, can be a game changer. It encourages you to reconnect with someone you may have had words with. If a relationship has gone downhill and you're upset about this, you can now do something about it. The Sun aligns with healing Chiron, which enables you to see things from the other person's perspective, which could make all the difference.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Mercury's edgy aspect could coincide with a conflict related to your domestic situation. You and another may want different things, and conversations about it could get quite heated. Since Pluto has been in your home zone, the idea of making major changes may be too strong to resist. For you, it can be all or nothing. Someone else might prefer to take things at a slower pace, Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You're all fired up when it comes to enjoying adventures and making the most of opportunities to relax and unwind. But there is one matter that may be causing angst, and it could come to a head early this week. There might be a breakdown in communication, and it can seem impossible to sort it out. And yet with the Libra Full Moon on the cards, a little patience will work wonders.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Keen to invest in something? You could earn extra money, but you may wonder about the time and effort involved. If it's something you really enjoy doing, it might not seem like work at all, even if you do have to put in a lot of time. This week, weigh up the pros and cons of an opportunity that may be heavy going at first, but could bring financial rewards later, Capricorn.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

As fiery Mars continues in Cancer and your lifestyle sector, it encourages you to streamline your affairs. The less time you spend getting things in order or looking for important items, the better. Mercury's move into your home zone extends this to household matters. This may be an opportunity for a big clear out Aquarius, and a chance to sell off anything you no longer need.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You could be unconsciously resisting a move that may take your life in a new direction. Perhaps deep down, you're worried about what this would entail, and whether you'll be able to cope. With prudent Saturn now in your sign, you'll be a lot more logical and thorough about any decisions. If you're pushed into making a choice this week, you'll find you can trust yourself.