Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Weekly Horoscopes 31st October 2016

It's a great week to rejuvenate our approach to our closest relationships, and find new ways of interacting. But compassion and kindness also have a big part to play. Looking out for someone less fortunate can really uplift us.  For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 31st October 2016 please see below… 

Weekly Horoscopes 31st October 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The New Moon continues to permeate its magic into this week, and with its conjunction to Mercury you have a great chance to really grapple with some profound issues in your situation, and especially your deepest connections to others. By the week's end you may have started to make some really important progression. In love though, a nice surprise is also possible for you. {copytag:[643]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

It's all about relationships this week for you, but it is going to be vitally important not to jump to conclusions. If you can meld your motivations with your emotions, this could see some truly important changes. If you are travelling anywhere, the latter part of the week can see you enjoying doing so in the company of one special person. An old flame can also come to mind. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The stars are urging you to grapple with life's nitty-gritty details. You know, the ones that we can often find a little bit dull. But there can be definitely moments of inspiration about how you can do things better and more efficiently. With Venus also forging an awesome angle to the restless Uranus, a friend can delight you with an invite or an unexpected compliment.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Life can be a serious business these days, but your sense of fun and quick witted take on things can provide some levitation to those people you encounter. It is also going to be important to create the space to enjoy yourself whether it's taking in a movie, seeing a band or going to an art exhibition. Your unique talents could also achieve greater recognition, Cancer.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You can find yourself coming up with some ingenious ideas around how you can reorganise things at home. However, when it comes to more personal issues, there may be a tendency to be a bit reluctant to enter into discussions, or to even be slightly defensive. Pleasingly, a delightful link in your sector of surprises, suggests something completely out of the blue can delight.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Your guide planet Mercury is really influential this week and its alliance with the New Moon of late last week is set to sharpen up your senses even more. You have a real gift for grappling with ideas or working on situations which have practical outcomes, and any challenges around these this week can prove delightful to solve. You may purchase a new appliance too.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

More practically, you can find yourself looking to squeeze more from your resources. Equally, use this week to see into and appreciate your personal qualities. A growing sense of security and self belief can come from this. However, there are going to be opportunities for fun, especially with your ruler in a sparkling alliance with Uranus. One conversation can prove flirty.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You may find yourself bursting with ideas and excited about lots of different options which are spinning around your mind. Anything which gives you a new start or reinvigorates the things that are really important, can give you a great sense of satisfaction, but also of being in control. Do stay flexible though, for an opportunity to earn more money can emerge if you do.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

That bright and bubbly side of yourself can be manifested through the presence of Venus in your sign and its charismatic connection to the planet of change, Uranus. However, whatever diversions there are that appeal to you, beneath this there may be a shimmering sense of uncertainty. Be sure that you're not trying to escape looking at the harsh reality of a situation.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

One of the greatest gifts in life is being in the present, rather than worrying too much about the past or future. However, there's no doubt about it sometimes we create plans that are truly exciting in terms of our direction of travel, and this could be one of those times when you find yourself inspired to take a giant step towards some of your biggest hopes and dreams.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The wonderful thing about this week is that although you could find yourself making some kind of push forwards in terms of your career, or the way you fit in with the wider world, you are probably going to find that you can be quite authentic about how you come across, which you'll really like, simply because other people can be more receptive to your Aquarius outlook.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Your everyday routines may hold a lot less appeal this week. If you find yourself restless or a little bit bored, this is a push from the heavens to try to find ways to reinvigorate or reinvent certain strands of your situation and look to add greater variety. That old saying of a change being as good as a rest definitely comes to mind for you Pisces, be it at work or play.