Weekly Horoscopes 30th October 2023

Venus is on particularly beguiling form this week, and this can see surprise connections or mysterious attractions, in equal measure. With Mars opposite Jupiter our desires are also ramped up powerfully inspiring some lovely social exchanges or something more mesmeric on a personal level. With Saturn going Direct on Saturday, issues that have seemed burdesome since mid-June can also start to ease. For your in-depth Weekly Horoscope Forecast for each sign for WC 30th October 2023, please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Welcome to a great week, when things can work out well for you whether you plan it this way or not. The universe has your back, and you'll be fired up by fascinating encounters that sizzle with the promise of good things to come. It's time to initiate that side-hustle or any activity that can improve your finances. And as Saturn forges ahead, your dreams are closer to manifesting.{copytag:[827]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

It's a sociable week, and any gains will come directly from liaising with others, collaborating, negotiating and even falling in love. There are surprises galore, and the potential for good things to happen is high. There is a chance of acting too impulsively, especially over the weekend. But even then, you may have access to an opportunity that you wouldn't have otherwise, Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You'll be working with intense focus. Your desire to be successful, along with a willingness to try new things, means you'll attract the right people and opportunities. Trust your wisdom and intuitive knowing, as your best ideas and solutions will come from doing so. Plus, prudent Saturn turns direct in your career zone, so after a few hurdles, your goals can now come to fruition.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

It's a time of pleasure, networking and delightful connections, that could enable you to link up with others who share your goals and interests. Stay alert, as one encounter could sizzle with potential. The more you get to know this person, the more you'll realize that your meeting may have been destined. And the Quarter Moon might inspire you to invest your cash for profit.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

There are big plans afoot at home and concerning your career. Perhaps the two are related, and you might be relocating to get a better job or starting a home-based business that you've been planning for some time. Either way, this can be a week of lucky breaks and big opportunities. And if the financial picture has been slow, you'll begin to see progress here as well, Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The week begins with a pleasant surprise. It could be a trip, an opportunity or an experience that you'll thoroughly enjoy. Positive energies encourage you to explore new options. This is not the week to stick with the tried and trusted, but to dive into the unknown, as this is where success lies. Had issues with a key relationship? As Saturn pushes forward, better times lie ahead, Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

It looks like you're ready to give your finances an overhaul, and completely transform your current situation. The presence of key planets in Scorpio suggests you'll be getting to the bottom of things and be ready to take some drastic measures, which could pay off further down the line. It's time to make life easier for yourself. Current trends inspire you to make this your objective.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You can't help but showcase your leadership qualities by automatically taking charge of key situations. Other people look up to you, and can be swept away by your magnetism and powerful aura. This week these qualities will serve you well, and with negotiation and an open mind, you'll make great progress. Luck is on your side too, as a project succeeds beyond your expectations.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

This is an excellent time to get some coaching that can assist you with overcoming blocks and limitations. Such help could see you rising like a phoenix and starting afresh to embrace the next turn of the spiral. Be open to a few surprises too, as a conversation might alert you to ideas you never thought of, that you'll want to explore. And a budding romance may begin to flourish.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You'll make the most headway when you're socializing, as you'll stand out from the crowd. People gravitate towards you, but you're also drawn to those who you sense could make a difference to your life. Moving in new circles might also lead to fabulous opportunities this week. Saturn turns direct too, so a plan that's been in the doldrums can begin to pick up speed, Capricorn.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Don't stop promoting yourself, sending out your CV and getting your message out to the world. This is the week when you could get a lucky break, the one you've been dreaming about may be about to happen. Even if you've tried for an opportunity many times already, it's worth giving it another go, as you never know. Have finances been strained? Things may be about to improve.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Uplifting aspects could make this a week when things come together for you, and you feel you've found your place in life. Someone you meet might act as a catalyst for big opportunities, far-reaching ideas and novel experiences. And with Saturn pushing ahead in your sign, you'll soon find yourself firing on all cylinders, especially if you've experienced snarl-ups, Pisces.