Tiny Pluto is so influential this week, interacting with both Jupiter and Neptune, which continue their lovely link adding greater depth to this spiritual dimension. Of course, Mercury continues its retrograde in Leo along with the Sun, and there is also a Quarter Moon in Taurus, so Leo energies may challenged by resistance to bold, charismatic moves. We most all expect things to be fluid therefore, and fall back on Pluto's insightful assistance when needed. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 30th July 2018 please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
As Mars in your social sector continues in its reverse stride, it forms an edgy angle with Uranus which could see you questioning your affiliation with certain people or groups. There is no need to make impulsive decisions, but you might eventually feel more at home in new circles. In addition, the Quarter Moon at the weekend can inspire you to follow up any creative impulses.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
A goal or ambition that meant a lot to you could seem to lose its sparkle, and you might even be tempted to abandon it altogether. However, with feisty Mars in its retro phase in a prominent sector, it may simply be that it needs more thought. You could hastily jettison it, but a Quarter Moon in your sign suggests giving it time, as something exciting could develop out of this.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
As inquisitive Mercury continues in its rewind phase, this can be an excellent time for clearing out papers, old letters and unwanted books. As those hot-spots become clutter free Gemini, you may begin to feel more together and spacious within. From this enhanced perspective, hasty decisions may be less likely and tying up loose ends and completing projects can feel good.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
While you may have no choice about being affiliated with a certain company or organization, and while you might not like what they stand for, it may be wise not to do anything that could antagonize them. This week you could be sorely tempted though. Hold back for now as with Mercury and Mars retrograde, you could be at a disadvantage. Wait, as things can get better.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
It may be difficult not to say something to someone who seems determined to irritate you. However, it is the way you handle this that can either make or break the situation. With Mars in reverse and angling towards Uranus, this person may be trying to undermine your authority. In this instance, it may be best to rise above it, as it might be quickly forgotten if you can let it go.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
A sense of restlessness could make it difficult to get on with your tasks and projects. The more you try to focus, the more you may be tempted to down tools and do something more adventurous. If you need to disperse any pent-up energy, then good walks or vigorous workouts can help. A Quarter Moon this weekend can inspire you to travel or enjoy new experiences.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If it seems a relationship has stalled, then you could feel compelled to do something about it. However, acting on impulse may have the reverse effect and could mean there is even less hope of keeping this bond intact. With a potent lunar phase in a sensitive sector of your Solar Horoscope, talking this over with a trusted friend could help you see this in perspective and might make all the difference Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
It may be tempting to withdraw from someone rather than try to reach a compromise or make amends. As feisty Mars your co-ruler rewinds in a private zone, ignoring them may seem the easier way ahead. But is it really Scorpio? A lunation over the weekend in your relationship sector hints that taking control and being more amenable can be very advantageous to you.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With dynamic Mars heading backwards in your sector of communication and short journeys, and lively Mercury regressing in your travel and adventure zone, delays to your plans may be more likely. Therefore, it might help to prepare well in advance and give yourself plenty of time. Leaving a project to the last minute is not wise Archer, as it may lead to a stressful experience.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The urge to enjoy life could lead to a desire to splurge. And you might not be mindful of how much an outing or other experience costs as long as you can get out and about. However, with a potent lunar phase in your leisure sector this weekend, you may find that pooling resources with friends can be less expensive and perhaps a whole lot more enjoyable for everyone Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
As fiery Mars continues its retro phase in your sign, it can seem that those things which once interested you no longer have so much appeal. In addition, as Mars forges an edgy angle with Uranus, this can be a good time to use any excess energy to clear away clutter and resolve lingering emotional issues. In fact, doing so could lead to a much needed breakthrough Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Staying active can be an aid to dispersing any restless energy this week, whether this involves doing more walking or more work outs. There is an impulsive and edgy energy in the air, so by staying physically active you may find it easier to handle this influence. A potent lunar phase over the weekend can inspire you to implement habits that might contribute to better health.