Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Weekly Horoscopes 2nd September 2024

We start this week in a powerful way, with Pluto Retrograding into Capricorn for its last visit in our lifetimes, and a New Moon in Virgo, which is faced by the cool energies of Saturn. With Mars also switching signs to Cancer, for an unusually long eight week stay, it’s all go! There is also a seductive connection midweek between Venus and the Nodal Axis. Finally, Mercury clashes with Uranus for one futher time. So, hold onto your celestial hats, and here are your Weekly Written Horoscopes for each sign for WC 2nd September 2024. 

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

This week could seem like a gift, encouraging you to do something you’ve been putting off, as the New Moon in Virgo enables you to be organised and on the ball. Even so, as Mars angles towards dreamy Neptune, it’s wise to pace yourself and be clear on the outcome you really want. Fiery Mars then glides into sensitive Cancer, so revel in family life, but pamper yourself too.{copytag:[827]:copytag} 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

A romance could get off to a great start as the New Moon inspires you to make your feelings known. The same could be true of a business idea or creative enterprise that shows promise. Whatever you begin could transform your life in more ways than one. You’ll also become a sensitive communicator as Mars enters Cancer, inspiring you to reach out to those in need.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Powerful decisions can move things forward at home. You’ll be guided to take actions that get results. Been pondering a move? It’s time to research your options. Mind, as the red planet angles towards Neptune, you may feel a lack of energy regarding your duties and responsibilities. Ready to increase your income? As Mars steps into your money zone midweek, you’ll be all fired up.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Empower your thinking with enough emotion, and a plan or project could take off. This week brings dynamic aspects together, helping you to push through obstacles and move towards a goal or dream. At the outset, you could feel disillusioned. This will pass as Mars moves into your sign, giving you a dose of courage and confidence that will ensure you overcome the odds.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Give and you will receive. With an emphasis on your money zone and sector of resources, your generosity, whether in big or small ways, won’t go unnoticed. Something you do for the love of it with no expectation of return, could greatly reward you. From this week you’ll be keen to tie up loose ends and find closure on lingering issues. Prepare to upgrade your inner game too, Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The New Moon in your sign could assist you in making a fresh start that builds momentum. Have a sound plan? Nothing can stop it being a success. The trick is to think out of the box. Still, an energy-sapping Neptune tie could make it hard to get going first thing. Once Mars eases into your social zone, you’ll be in a much livelier mood and ready to party with the best of them.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Change on the inside can bring about a shift in your circumstances, which is why the week ahead may be a turning point. A decision to reform an aspect of your personality could lead to a new beginning. It might seem small, but the impact can spread like ripples on a pond. And you’ll be in a more proactive mood career-wise as Mars encourages you to stand in the spotlight and shine.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

The New Moon in a dynamic zone means you’ll have friendly support to help you with a goal that’s been simmering on the backburner. Take those first steps and things can skyrocket. Keen to travel? After some confusion, you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for and might relish a refreshing break. There may be some interesting detours, but they could add to the enjoyment.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Just as everything appears to be going wrong, it will start to go right. About to make a bold move? You’ll have the cosmos behind you giving assistance along the way. The New Moon in a prominent zone is worth taking advantage of, because it will give you the extra push needed to build momentum. If obstacles show up over the weekend, relax and they will soon disappear.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Take that step into the unknown and you’ll be rewarded, even if you lose your way at first. With a powerful lunar phase on the go, it’s wise to make the most of opportunities that come your way. Don’t take too long to decide, as saying yes could kickstart an avalanche of positive developments. Plus, as Mars steps into your relationship zone, it may be time to clear the air.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Ready to transform your life? This week can see you turning difficulties into golden opportunities that could bring greater peace and success. The New Moon in an intense zone helps you blast through obstacles and dispel foggy thinking. Ready to reinvent your daily routine? The coming six weeks are perfect for increasing productivity and resetting your wellness schedule.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

A relationship might reveal its full potential after a few hiccups, encouraging you to link up with someone in a more committed way. Whether this is a business partnership, a romance or a new friendship, together you could become a great team. Plus, with assertive Mars entering your leisure zone, enjoy outings, cultural events and plenty of romantic activity. You deserve it!