Weekly Horoscopes 2nd January 2023

Venus moves on from its intense clinch with Pluto on Tuesday gliding into the sign of friendship Aquarius and forges a quite gorgeous link to Jupiter in Aries which peaks on Wednesday. This can trigger some fortune. But what type? Well, a conversation with a friend or associate could be uplifting, and provide a shot of confidence. Thinking outside the celestial box is also favoured this week. With Mercury asking us to rethink some of our worldly approaches, as it retraces its steps, its link with Neptune suggests we should not ignore our instincts. For your in-depth Weekly Horoscope Forecast for each sign for WC 2nd January, please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The midweek Full Moon in Cancer can be a call to reset your priorities, and find a balance between wanting success and allowing time for more nurturing activities. You may have neglected your personal wellbeing in the pursuit of a goal. Now it's time to address this issue. Mind, with upbeat Venus enhancing your social zone, a lucky encounter could make your week. {copytag:[827]:copytag} 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Is a major plan or challenge proving too much for you? You may be pursuing a path that has reached a dead end, but admitting this won't be easy. A potent Full Moon can coincide with a turning point that inspires you to lower your expectations, and look closer to home for new opportunities. Regarding your job, charm and co-operation could net you a golden prize.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

As Venus enters your sector of faraway places, it may be time for a short break somewhere warmer. This week, spontaneity rules! So, you might make a spur of the moment decision. In addition, with a powerful lunar phase linking to Uranus, it helps to acknowledge your feelings. Even if this means shedding a few tears Gemini, it can soften your approach to an edgy issue.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

As Venus enters Aquarius, your desires could get stronger. An upbeat link to Jupiter suggests that asking for something may result in you getting it. Plus, the Full Moon in your sign might act as a powerful catalyst, bringing a relationship issue out into the open. One or two admissions or revelations can alter the game plan, but in a way that encourages positive change all round.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Relationships sparkle, as Venus moves into Aquarius. You'll be keen to socialize and spend more time with your partner and loved ones. Plus, the Full Moon encourages you to bask in peace and tranquility, and to do so more often. The powerful lunar focus on a private zone, suggests taking your attention off work and reflecting on what makes you happy. It's time to get your bearings.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Charm and persuasion could encourage your friends and partner to join you in eating healthier and exercising more. You want to look your best, and Venus's move into your wellness sector, suggests the more support you have the better. The Full Moon in your social sector can highlight the demands of your social life. Need more time to do your own thing? Go for it!

Libra 24 September – 23 October

As Venus moves into your leisure and romance zone, it's time to indulge those activities that give you a boost. Plus, a Full Moon in a prominent sector, means a career matter could come to a head. But so might a domestic issue, especially with such a powerful line-up in your home zone. It's what you do about it that counts, and airing your feelings openly can be the key, Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Hunger for adventures and for an opportunity to explore the unknown, can fill you to the brim. You may be ready to let go of more mundane activities that have tested your patience for some time, and are ready for a leap of faith. First, there might be one matter to deal with that could be a sticking point. Resolve this, and you'll feel happier. Ready to redecorate your place? Go for it!

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

There could be issues around income, including that of your partner, as money matters come to the boil now and over coming days. You'll need to balance your personal needs against those of others in your life. With changes to your current financial situation, you might be a lot better off.Still, an unexpected offer can enhance your income. A delightful encounter is on the cards too.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Keen to take advantage of the sales? Venus encourages you to seek out bargains on key items. And it seems very likely you'll come up trumps, Capricorn. Plus, with a Full Moon in your sector of relating, a partnership may be tested. If it's strong, you can come out of this closer than ever. This is an opportunity for discussion and negotiation that could heal a lingering rift.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You'll have the attractor factor as Venus enters your sign. And with Jupiter in the mix, good news may be on the way. Plus, changes might be necessary regarding your work or wellness routines, especially if you've felt frustrated. You could need a better balance between your spiritual and mundane needs. Someone from the past can make a reappearance, so be prepared.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

A love affair may be at a crucial stage, with the coming days requiring sensitive discussion. At the same time, other goals and opportunities might have been eclipsing your own creative or recreational activities. Letting go of something that takes up too much time with little reward, can free you up for other things. An invite out of the blue could be a high point. Don't turn it down.