Targeted effort will be required in the first half of the week, as Mars and Saturn apply to the Sun. Venus holds sway in the weeks latter days, and we can get more attuned to who is really meaningful. The Strawberry Sagittarius Full Moon as the week comes to a close, can though see some strident conversations, and with Mercury and Uranus close together, values, self worth and money may be at the root of these. For your in-depth WC 29th May Weekly Horoscope Forecast for each sign, please see below…
Weekly Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
This week is good for enhancing your income, as well as brilliant ideas for side hustles and other lucrative projects. Mind, as fiery Mars continues in Leo, you're in a creative phase and ready to join projects or entrepreneurial ideas that spike your interest. The weekend Full Moon speaks of adventures and fresh opportunities that may have been waiting in the wings. Now is the time!{copytag:[827]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You're truly in your element with jovial Jupiter now in your sign. And as it's closely linked to the point of destiny, seize every chance you get to take your life to the next level. Lovely Venus in your sector of communication is great for reaching out to others, and a link with dreamy Neptune could lead to a new and spiritual friendship. Plus, a brilliant idea needs acting on immediately.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The Sun continues in your sign, encouraging you to be more and do more. But with the emphasis on a secluded sector, there's a lot going on behind-the-scenes. Take note of any intuitive nudges, as they could be worth their weight in gold. The weekend Full Moon can be perfect for social events and get-togethers, as it's very upbeat. You could be a tad outspoken, so watch your words.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Your social life is high on your agenda, and Jupiter's presence in this zone encourages you to be bold and move in new circles. Whether online or off, you'll attract more opportunities if you aim to make new friends. You might also be drawn to someone who seems to understand you and whose presence feels like a soothing balm. This weekend, make it a priority to unwind and relax.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
As Mars powers through your sign, you'll be ready to take risks with all kinds of ideas and opportunities. And the positive focus on your career sector, also encourages you to think big and get involved in ambitious projects and plans. Get ready for the Full Moon this weekend which can see you going full out to have a great time, as a party or celebration sizzles with promise.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The Sun in a top spot is getting you noticed, and as it's in Gemini, it's great for getting the word out about your talents, experience and successes. You're also ready to embrace adventures that will open new doors for you. Something big is in the air. Looking for romance? You may be smitten by someone, but don't put them on a pedestal, Virgo. They are human just like you.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Jupiter's presence in a deep, psychological zone suggests you may be feeling more at home with yourself and more accepting of your foibles. It also means you're more accepting of others and their issues, which is a win/win situation. Yet you could say more than you mean to this weekend, as the Sagittarius Full Moon encourages you to speak your mind. A little diplomacy would help.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Feeling ambitious? You may be keen to influence others and to connect with those who move in big circles. Inviting them back to your place could make such associations more personal and friendly, and pave the way for sterling opportunities. Still, the Full Moon suggests money is on your mind. Keen to invest? Trust your intuition, and a purchase may bring unexpected returns.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
It's a busy but rewarding time for you, as the bolder you are, the bigger and better your results will be. You'll also get a lot of help and support from others. You only need to ask. Keen to beautify your home? Be very clear about the result you want, and the cost. Don't leave anything to chance. And the weekend Full Moon in your sign hints you'll be the life and soul of the party.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The Gemini Sun encourages you to work smarter rather than harder, so you can explore opportunities for wellbeing and leisure. Jupiter's presence in Taurus is very much about making the most of your talents, and to do so you'll need to manage your time. Even so, the weekend Full Moon encourages you to unwind. Don't fill your schedule to the max, instead take it easy.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Upbeat Jupiter continues to make some potent angles, and its position in your home zone suggests you may feel a push to set up a home business or to buy or sell a property. With the right approach you could do very well. The Full Moon in Sagittarius can coincide with a social event that is unforgettable. A conversation may lead to exciting new developments, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Mars in your wellness zone encourages you to move more Pisces, as you'll soon see the benefits of staying active. Along with this, a dynamic focus encourages you to make new connections along with promoting your skills and abilities. It's time to make a big splash. Plus, Venus's link to Neptune in your sign has very romantic qualities, and a special date could be a great occasion.