Weekly Horoscopes 27th June 2022

Neptune goes into a Retrograde but also this week, tangles with Mercury. Yet Mercury also gets serious in its link to Saturn, so precision can still thwart the dreamier vibe Neptune brings. The Cancer New Moon brings hope, especially with Jupiter bringing greater exuberance to bear. Indeed for some Jupiter's link to Venus can bring a real slice of serendipity. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 27th June 2022 please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Annoyed with someone? Sort it out early Aries, and as diplomatically as possible. You may feel like lashing out, but it's best not to. You might need this person's help in the future, so try a compromise. The New Moon is excellent for home-related projects, whether this applies to a move, buying or selling, or giving your place a makeover. Have a plan? Don't doubt yourself! {copytag:[599]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Jupiter's buoyant links can boost your mood and give you faith in yourself, especially if you're attempting something big. You may be filled with enthusiasm, but friends could dampen your mood if you let them. Don't entertain any downbeat vibes, Taurus. Plus, the New Moon is perfect for promoting your work or starting an Internet business. Keen to study? Why not give it a go!

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

It's a progressive week, if you resolve an issue that could create unnecessary tension. Don't leave it, as things might get worse. Instead, just nip it in the bud. Make use of Venus in your sign, to smooth over any difficulties and create a happy outcome. Embrace the New Moon, as it heralds a fresh financial start. Go for it now Gemini, whether you want a new job or to start a side-hustle.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

The Sun in your sign forges a happy angle to Jupiter, so you'll be on top form and ready to take a leap of faith. Is someone against you doing this? You'll need to set firm boundaries and refuse to be influenced by them, otherwise you could miss out on a golden opportunity. Ready to kickstart new habits, initiate a bold plan or take a relationship to a new level? The New Moon can assist.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You may have a big project on, but is your heart in it? Instead, you might be ready to drop your responsibilities and go on a trip or do something fun. Even so, the sooner you get it done, the more chance you'll have to get away. The New Moon hints that you do need a break of some kind, Leo. Learning meditation or yoga to ease away tension and stress, can be helpful too.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The Mars/Pluto angle, suggests it may be tempting to force the outcome you want, but is it wise, Virgo? If you do get it, the buzz might not last long, and you could even find that it was a mistake after all. Better to focus on ideas that don't involve so much anxiety, and where you can use your current skills to enhance your image. Good fortune knocks for you, so be ready to open the door.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The Sun is at a high point in your chart, meaning this is your time to make an impression on the world, Libra. Which is why it's a good idea to play up to your strengths and take advantage of every opportunity, rather than get side-tracked by family squabbles that accomplish nothing. Good fortune smiles on you, and the New Moon encourages you to step out and take action.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You may be battling with yourself or in conflict with another, Scorpio. Either way, it's best to sort this matter out early on. You'll have more energy for projects and opportunities that are showing promise. And you'll be keen to embrace new experiences that contribute to your personal growth. Need to revitalize your life? Seizing an exciting opportunity could do this for you.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You can either get annoyed about the fact that you don't have enough money, or come up with a clever plan to make more. One brilliant idea, and a little help from a friend, could see you much better off over coming weeks. The New Moon in Cancer midweek, is the perfect time to launch a business idea Archer, as it will quickly gain momentum. Keep believing in yourself.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

It may be important to you to have the last say in a family matter, but if others don't agree it won't help much. A heartfelt discussion could pave the way for new possibilities that wouldn't happen otherwise, Capricorn. This is also a good week to launch a project or business that can assist your financial situation. It might seem daunting, but once you start you won't look back.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Things can flow beautifully, once you start listening to your intuition rather than fighting it. You likely know what you need to do, so get on with it and you'll have a positive week. Opportunities come from sharing ideas and learning new skills. Plus, you'll find that persevering with a tentative plan yields big results. Even if you're new to this, you can do well, Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Neptune your guide planet rewinds for some months, which can bring clarity on an issue that has confused you. Once you see the right way forward, have the courage of your convictions. Romantic options blossom, as does your creative potential, so don't hold back. Go easy with money, as you might spend to satisfy an obsessive desire and end up feeling disappointed.