Weekly Horoscopes 26th November 2018

The Sun and Jupiter continue to spark a sense of optimism and possibility. But with Mars in a sharp right angle to both, we need to ensure we can deliver on our promises and keep expectations realistic. Venus and Uranus also continue to vibrate which can lead to spontaenous meetings or desire for more excitment in existing ties. For your FREE Weekly Horoscope 26th November 2018 please see below…

Weekly Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You may feel supremely confident about your future and your ability to take whatever steps are necessary to flourish. And if you look to the details, you can do well. With Mars your ruler forging a positive angle to sobering Saturn, you may tend to be more thorough. Over the weekend, there's a more intense trend, with the cosmos encouraging you to be mindful of your feelings. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Something you have long wanted may fall into your lap quite unexpectedly, or you may receive a small windfall that allows you to treat yourself. Either way, it seems the cosmos is ready to shower you with gifts. At the end of the week, relationships come back into focus and can bring an opportunity for a healing conversation or a chance to resolve an issue and move on Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You can learn a lot from others that can further your own cause. And the more you mix with those who are confident, the more it can rub off on you. This can be a great opportunity to collaborate or be involved with a team, as it can work out well for all concerned. As energies intensify from the weekend, pare back your routine to the essentials so you have more time for yourself.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

A fortunate incident could give you the edge at work or give you a needed boost if you run your own business. Otherwise, upbeat aspects can see you involved in activities that you may find deeply rewarding. If you have plans, it helps to be flexible though, as there could be unexpected changes. From the weekend, creative activities can prove therapeutic and very enjoyable Cancer.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

If there is adventure to be had, you may be the first in line to sign up for it, no matter if it does take you out of your comfort zone. In fact, if it does, you might relish it even more. You can also gain by re-learning the basics of a skill or hobby, as you might then become so much more accomplished. Over the weekend, it is time to put your needs first and relish some self-care Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

There may be some family news this week which lifts spirits and gives everyone a boost. You might also get a good outcome if buying, selling or renting property. But with lively Mercury continuing to rewind, read the small print with great care before you sign. Both Mercury your ruler and Venus move into Scorpio this weekend, which can lead to in-depth conversations.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

The more people you connect with, the more opportunities can come rolling in Libra. But even if you don't get out that much, you may be tempted by an offer to learn something which could be to your advantage. Later in the week, Venus in your sign will oppose electric Uranus, which can coincide with an encounter that may need a little tact to handle it in the best way.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

A gift could turn out to be better than expected, leaving you in a very positive mood this week. Others might greatly appreciate your generosity, which can see the cycle of giving and receiving in a natural flow and benefiting you. There is an emphasis on your sign from the weekend as Mercury and Venus move in, which can see you discussing an issue and resolving it for good.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

A far-reaching and exciting plan may be best put on hold if you are to make the most of it. You may have set great store by this, but a calm approach that allows you to look at all the options might bring better rewards over the long-term. Over the weekend, inquisitive Mercury and luscious Venus will move into your spiritual zone, perhaps encouraging a change of heart Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Though you can seem as determined and ambitious as ever, your caring and compassionate side is also to the fore, and can see you helping out at charity events and generally looking to support those in need. Even so, your social life will be in focus from this weekend, so you may be drawn to events with the movers and shakers in your area, with a very good chance to befriend them.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

When with good friends, you may be surrounded by positive energy which can give you a boost. These same people may encourage you to try new experiences or to take a leap of faith which could add a new dimension to your life. A shift occurs at the end of the week in your Solar Horoscope, as your sector of goals and ambitions is more in focus. If you missed an opportunity, it may come around again.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You may find yourself in the spotlight and gain from it, if others discover more about who you are and what you do. If you have a chance to give a talk or showcase your skills in a meaningful way, then go for it. Later in the week, the focus shifts to your sector of travel, which can see you booking a vacation or connecting with an old friend and catching up on all the news Pisces.